IdentifySensors Biologics has partnered with Jabil Inc. to develop processes for reliable robust manufacturing of portable devices that rapidly detect a wide range of infections at the molecular level with accuracy that is superior to PCR testing. The small portable devices, branded Check4®, consist of two main parts: 1) a multiple-use electronic reader about the size of a cell phone; and 2) single-use test cartridges that detect as many as four separate infections simultaneously. For example, a single cartridge can detect COVID, Influenza A, Influenza B and RSV – all from a single saliva sample.

Results appear in minutes on a user's cell phone, at home or on the go. The Check4® platform represents a technological breakthrough, which electronically identifies sequence-specific genetic material of target pathogens. The electronic test produces a digital signal that is analyzed in the cloud in less than three minutes.

Solid-state, digital selectively deposited electrodes enable almost instantaneous results without laboratory work, chemical reagents or amplification. Businesses, governments and organizations can remotely monitor individual and group test results in real time for employees, customers and visitors with accuracy superior to the current gold-standard PCR test, but at a materially lower cost. The Check4® test is positioned to replace PCR and antigen tests for symptomatic and asymptomatic screening.

The technology was developed by IdentifySensors Biologics in partnership with Purdue University, which helped commercialize the process. The technology and applications are secured through multiple patents.