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Relation chart of related listed companies: Jarir Marketing Company

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Relationship chart for related private companies: Jarir Marketing Company

Active Relations

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Related private companies: Jarir Marketing Company

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Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Information Technology Services1
Specialty Insurance1
Chemicals: Major Diversified1
Other Consumer Specialties1
Wholesale Distributors1
Major Banks1
Real Estate Development1
Agricultural Commodities/Milling1
Hospital/Nursing Management1

Countries of related companies

Saudi Arabia10
Logo Jarir Marketing Company
Jarir Marketing Co SJSC is a Saudi Arabia-based joint stock company engaged in the wholesale and retail trade. The Company is active, along with its subsidiaries, in retail and wholesale trading in office and school supplies, children’s toys, books, educational aids, office furniture, engineering equipment, computer and computer systems, maintenance of computers, sports and scout equipment and paper. The Company is also involved in the purchase of residential and commercial buildings, and the acquisition of land to construct buildings for sale or lease. The Company operates through 37 showrooms, including wholesale outlets in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), in addition to real estate investment in the Arab Republic of Egypt. The Company’s subsidiaries include United Company for Office Supplies and Stationeries WLL, Jarir Trading Company LLC, United Bookshop, Jarir Bookstore and Jarir Egypt Financial Leasing Co SAE.
More about the company