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Relation chart of related listed companies: JB Hi-Fi Limited

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: JB Hi-Fi Limited

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: JB Hi-Fi Limited

Australian Institute of Co. Directors

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

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Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Miscellaneous Commercial Services1
Agricultural Commodities/Milling1
Wholesale Distributors1
Real Estate Investment Trusts1
Apparel/Footwear Retail1

Countries of related companies

New Zealand1
Logo JB Hi-Fi Limited
JB Hi-Fi Limited is an Australia-based retailer of home consumer products. It offers a range of brands with a particular focus on consumer electronics, software (including music, games, and movies), whitegoods and appliances. It operates through three segments: JB Hi-Fi Australia (JB Aust), JB Hi-Fi New Zealand (JB NZ) and The Good Guys (TGG). The Company comprises two retail brands: JB Hi-Fi and The Good Guys. JB Hi-Fi is a retailer of technology and consumer electronics with a position with a young tech-savvy demographic. The Good Guys is a retailer of home appliances and consumer electronics with a position with home-making families. It has multichannel sales capability with sales primarily from its branded retail store networks (JB Hi-Fi/JB Hi-Fi Home stores in Australia, JB Hi-Fi stores in New Zealand and The Good Guys stores in Australia), online operations (JB Hi-Fi and The Good Guys websites) and over the phone. It also provides information technology and consulting services.
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