Share class: Jiangsu Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A15,792,379,7633,011,271,188 ( 51.99 %) 0 51.99 %

Major shareholders: Jiangsu Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.

Jiangsu State-Owned Assets Sup. & Admin. Commission
22.63 %
1,305,080,000 22.63 % 949 M ¥
Bank of Nanjing Co., Ltd.
15.29 %
882,000,000 15.29 % 641 M ¥
Jiangsu Expressway Co. Ltd.
5.68 %
327,600,000 5.68 % 238 M ¥
BNP Paribas SA
3.702 %
213,545,175 3.702 % 155 M ¥
Huatai-PineBridge Fund Management Co., Ltd.
2.148 %
123,865,560 2.148 % 90 M ¥
Fullgoal Fund Management Co., Ltd.
1.07 %
61,719,391 1.07 % 45 M ¥
International Finance Corp. (Investment Company)
0.745 %
42,971,400 0.745 % 31 M ¥
Citic Securities Co., Ltd. (Invt Port)
0.7287 %
42,026,852 0.7287 % 31 M ¥
China Southern Asset Management Co., Ltd.
0.3816 %
22,012,174 0.3816 % 16 M ¥
Invesco Great Wall Fund Management Co. Ltd. (Invt Mgmt)
0.3536 %
20,396,124 0.3536 % 15 M ¥
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Breakdown by shareholder type

Bank of Nanjing Co., Ltd.15.29%
Jiangsu Expressway Co. Ltd.5.68%
BNP Paribas SA3.7%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

China 51%
France 3.7%
United States 0.75%
Individuals 0.17%
Ireland 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Jiangsu Financial Leasing Co., Ltd.
JIANGSU FINANCIAL LEASING CO., LTD. is a China-based company principally engaged in the financial leasing services. The Company’s businesses are mainly involved in the industries, such as healthcare, education, industrial manufacturing and agricultural machinery, among others. The Company’s business scope includes lease leasing business, transfer and transferee financing leasing assets, fixed income securities investment business, leasing sales and processing business and economic consulting business. The Company provides financial advisers and other services to help companies accelerate depreciation of equipment, adjust the financial structure, activate the stock assets, improve the ratio of assets and liabilities, in order to delay the tax and improve the efficiency of the enterprise.
More about the company