The board of directors of Jiangxi Copper Company Limited announced that, at the Board meeting held on 19 July 2022, the Board resolved and approved that, Mr. Liu Erh Fei shall resign from the positions as an independent non-executive Director, a member of the audit committee, the remuneration committee and the nomination committee in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for Independent Directors of Listed Companies of the CSRC regarding the term of office of independent directors due to the expiration of his consecutive term of office as an independent Director of the Company for six years. In order to ensure the effectiveness of the work of the Board, the Company will re-elect an independent Director in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China and the Articles of Association. Mr. Li Shuidi ("Mr. Li") was recommended by Jiangxi Copper Corporation Limited ("JCC"), the controlling shareholder of the Company, and was nominated by the nomination committee of the Board as a candidate for independent Director and shall propose to the Company's general meeting (the "General Meeting") for consideration.

As the resignation of Mr. Liu Erh Fei will result in the number of independent Directors falling below the required threshold, Mr. Liu Erh Fei will continue to perform his duties as an independent Director until the company convenes the General Meeting to elect a new independent Director. The Board of the Company announced that (i) Mr. Wu Donghua ("Mr. Wu") and Mr. Zhang Jianhua ("Mr. Zhang"), supervisors of the Company, shall resign as supervisors of the Company due to work adjustment, with effect from the date of election of new supervisors at the General Meeting of the Company.