Jounce Therapeutics, Inc. announced the appointment of former chief executive officer of Constellation Pharmaceuticals and former Jounce chief business officer, Jigar Raythatha, to its board of directors. Jigar served as the chief executive officer of Constellation Pharmaceuticals, Inc. from 2017 until its acquisition by MorphoSys AG in July 2021. Jigar is also currently a member of the American Cancer Society New England Area Board. In addition to Mr. Raythatha’s appointment, Jounce announced that founding board member and previous interim chief executive officer, Cary Pfeffer, M.D., a partner at Third Rock Ventures, will resign from the Jounce board, effective December 31, 2021. Dr. Pfeffer was a founding member of Jounce’s board of directors since 2013 and also served as chair of the Jounce board from 2014 to 2016.