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Related listed companies: K-Bro Linen Inc.

Relationship chart for related private companies: K-Bro Linen Inc.

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Related private companies: K-Bro Linen Inc.

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Logo K-Bro Linen Inc.
K-Bro Linen Inc. is an owner and operator of laundry and linen processing facilities in Canada. The Company provides a comprehensive range of general linen and operating room linen processing, management and distribution services to healthcare institutions, hotels, and other commercial accounts. It operates about ten processing facilities and two distribution centers under two distinctive brands, including K-Bro Linen Systems Inc. and Buanderie HMR, in ten Canadian cities: Quebec City, Montreal, Toronto, Regina, Saskatoon, Prince Albert, Edmonton, Calgary, Vancouver and Victoria. Its Canadian division provides laundry and linen services to the healthcare and hospitality sectors through ten operating divisions. The Company’s UK division provides laundry and linen services primarily to the hospitality sector, with other sectors, including healthcare, manufacturing and pharmaceuticals, through five sites which are located in Cupar, Perth, Newcastle, Livingston and Coatbridge.
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