Business description: Kayseri Seker Fabrikasi Anonim Sirketi

Kayseri Seker Fabrikasi AS is a Turkey-based company, which engaged in manufacturing sugar from beet. The Company operates three sugar production facilities in Kayseri, Bogazliyan, and Turhan, and it offers crystal sugar and byproducts including fresh and dry pulp, and molasses. Through its subsidiaries, it invests in companies operating in various fields such as animal husbandry, fuel products trading, transportation, woven sack manufacturing, electrical energy production, insurance, and warehousing, and provides the management and coordination of these companies. Kayseri Seker also active in beet farming offers agricultural research and development services, and operates soilless greenhouses.

Number of employees: 4,104

Sales by Activity: Kayseri Seker Fabrikasi Anonim Sirketi

Fiscal Period: April20202021202220232024

Sugar Production

2.06B 2.5B 5.21B 7.45B 17.1B


424M 1.57B 641M 1.88B 3.14B

Effect of Elimination

-258M -1.22B -713M -1.33B -1.96B
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Geographical breakdown of sales: Kayseri Seker Fabrikasi Anonim Sirketi

Fiscal Period: April20202021202220232024


2B 2.84B 5.14B 8B 18.28B
See all geographic segments

Managers: Kayseri Seker Fabrikasi Anonim Sirketi

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer - -
Director of Finance/CFO - -

Members of the board: Kayseri Seker Fabrikasi Anonim Sirketi

Manager TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 55 2023-08-27
Director/Board Member - 2023-08-27
Chairman - 2023-08-27
Director/Board Member - 2023-08-27
Director/Board Member - 2023-08-27
Director/Board Member - 2023-08-27
Director/Board Member - 2023-08-27
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Kayseri Seker Fabrikasi Anonim Sirketi

Sinirli Sorumlu Kayseri Pancar Ekicileri Kooperatifi
49.8 %
351,622,539 49.8 % 177 M ₺
Government of Turkey
9.411 %
66,438,243 9.411 % 33 M ₺
Sinirli Sorumlu Alpullu Pancar Ekicileri Kooperatifi
4.982 %
35,171,412 4.982 % 18 M ₺
State Street Global Advisors Europe Ltd.
0.003373 %
23,810 0.003373 % 11 980 ₺
AK Asset Management AS
0.003116 %
22,000 0.003116 % 11 069 ₺

Company details: Kayseri Seker Fabrikasi Anonim Sirketi

Kayseri Seker Fabrikasi AS

No:314 Seker Mahallesi Osman Kavuncu

38080, Central Anatolia

+90 352 331 24 00
address Kayseri Seker Fabrikasi Anonim Sirketi(KAYSE)

Group companies: Kayseri Seker Fabrikasi Anonim Sirketi

NameCategory and Sector
Pan Doga Sanayi ve Ticaret AS
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Sugar & Artificial Sweeteners

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
-0.10%+9.50%-44.89% - 392M
-0.43%+1.06%-20.83%-16.13% 2.25B
-0.24%-2.33%+9.57%-24.48% 1.93B
+10.02%+20.29%+266.52%+182.88% 1.49B
-7.20%+2.37%-11.87%-40.29% 1.32B
+3.23%-2.37%+19.63%+11.30% 1B
-0.10%+1.45%-1.31%+14.37% 987M
+0.01%-3.60%+11.43%+45.25% 937M
-0.22%+10.77%-8.68%+74.42% 825M
-0.33%+3.41%+7.45%-6.48% 759M
Average +0.45%+3.44%+22.70%+26.76% 1.19B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.56%+2.93%+30.52%+22.61%
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  4. Company Kayseri Seker Fabrikasi Anonim Sirketi