Major shareholders: Kojamo Oyj

Heimstaden AB
19.98 %
49,389,283 19.98 % 515 M €
Keskinäinen Eläkevakuutusyhtiö Ilmarinen
8.31 %
20,537,814 8.31 % 214 M €
Keskinäinen Työeläkevakuutusyhtiö Varma
7.834 %
19,362,375 7.834 % 202 M €
Teollisuusliitto Ry
6.388 %
15,788,503 6.388 % 165 M €
Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö OAJ ry
4.78 %
11,814,417 4.78 % 123 M €
Rakennusliitto ry
2.31 %
5,708,609 2.31 % 60 M €
Ammattiliitto Pro ry
1.984 %
4,904,150 1.984 % 51 M €
OP Asset Management Ltd.
1.54 %
3,806,312 1.54 % 40 M €
Keskinäinen Työeläkevakuutusyhtiö Elo
1.442 %
3,564,000 1.442 % 37 M €
Evli Fund Management Co. Ltd.
1.038 %
2,565,646 1.038 % 27 M €
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Breakdown by shareholder type

Heimstaden AB19.98%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Finland 44.04%
Sweden 20%
France 0.53%
Norway 0.24%
Ireland 0.19%
Germany 0.06%
Luxembourg 0.04%
Switzerland 0.01%
United Kingdom 0.01%
Denmark 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Kojamo Oyj
Kojamo Oyj specializes in the ownership and management of residential property assets located in Finland. The group's activity is organized around 2 areas: - rental of apartments: ownership, at the end of 2023, of 40,619 apartments; - rental of commercial premises: management of 757 commercial premises. At the end of 2023, the portfolio amounted to EUR 8,038.8 million at market value.
More about the company