Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Lightspeed Commerce Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Lightspeed Commerce Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Lightspeed Commerce Inc.

iNovia Capital, Inc.

Investment Managers

Shopkeep.com Ltd.

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Soar Technology Acquisition Corp.

Financial Conglomerates

Accel Partners LLC

Investment Managers

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Packaged Software5
Investment Managers2
Financial Conglomerates1
Miscellaneous Commercial Services1
Industrial Machinery1
Electronics Distributors1
Aerospace & Defense1
Electronic Equipment/Instruments1
Real Estate Investment Trusts1
Specialty Stores1

Countries of related companies

United States8
United Kingdom3
New Zealand1
Logo Lightspeed Commerce Inc.
Lightspeed Commerce Inc. provides a one-stop commerce platform, which helps merchants to simplify, scale, and provide customer experiences. The Company’s products include Point of Sale, Payments, eCommerce, Inventory Management, Advanced Marketing, Lightspeed Insights, Scanner, Integrations, API, Workflows, Service Orders, Capital, B2B Catalog, Pricing, Point of Sale, Order Anywhere, Advanced Insights, Inventory, Tableside, Payments, Accounting, Kitchen Display System, Customer Facing Display, Hardware, Integrations, Capital, Benchmarks & Trends, Workforce & Payroll, Tee Sheet, Point of Sale, Sales & Marketing, Reporting & Intelligence, Website & App, Accounting, Payments, Hardware, Integrations, and Capital. It also provides POS software, iPad POS system, Cloud POS system and POS cash register. Its Golf course management software includes Golf POS, Tee sheet management software, Golf booking & scheduling software, and others.
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