Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Chemicals: Specialty2
Electric Utilities2
Aerospace & Defense2
Electrical Products2
Motor Vehicles2
Integrated Oil1
Oil Refining/Marketing1
Industrial Specialties1
Financial Conglomerates1
Environmental Services1

Countries of related companies

United States12
United Kingdom1
Logo Linde plc
Linde plc is one of the world's leading engineering and industrial gas production groups. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - production and sale of industrial gases (89.5%). Net sales break down by market between chemicals and energy (22%), manufacturing (22%), healthcare (17%), metals and mining (14%), food and beverage (9%), electronics (9%) and other (7%); - surface engineering services (6.6%); - other (3.9%). Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: the United Kingdom (4.6%), the United States (32.2%), Germany (8.6%), China (7.8%), Australia (4%), Brazil (4%) and other (38.8%).
More about the company