Lockheed Martin Corporation specializes in the design, manufacturing and marketing of aeronautic, submarine, and aerospace systems. Net sales break down by activity as follows:
- sale of aeronautic systems (40.3%): military and civilian aircraft, primarily for government organizations;
- sale of helicopters, mission and electronic systems (24.3%): military and commercial helicopters, ships, sea and land-based missile defense systems, radars, sensors, sea and air-based mission and combat systems, training systems, cyber solutions, command, control and communication systems, surveillance and reconnaissance systems, simulation and training systems, etc.;
- sale of air defense and fire control systems (17.8%): air and missile defense systems, tactical missiles, precision strike weapons systems, fire control systems, etc. The group also offers support services for mission operations, preparation, technical support, integration services, etc.;
- sales of aerospace systems (17.6%): satellite systems, missile systems and space transport systems.
Net sales break down by source of income into sales of products (83.4%) and services (16.6%).
Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: the United States (73.9%), Europe (10.9%), Asia/Pacific (8.8%), the Middle East (4.3%) and other (2.1%).