Fobi AI Inc. announced the commercial launch of its wholly-owned subsidiary, PulseIR, with the signing of its first customer, PanGenomic Health Inc. PanGenomic offers a self-care digital platform to deliver personalized, evidence-based information about natural and plant-based health treatments. PulseIR is a platform as a service (PaaS) and will generate revenue through an annual license and initial setup fee. Investor relations (IR) platforms have traditionally lacked the level of sophistication and mobilization that every early-stage company needs to connect their stories, drive ROI, and gain traction in a market that's now entirely digital.

With an opportunity to revolutionize the world of investor relations, PulseIR, which supports Fobi's IR platform Investor Pass, delivers a whole new experience of personalized engagement through real-time, mobile lock screen communication. PulseIR brings a data-driven and digital approach to IR right into the palms of today's new-age investors, generating a new sense of urgency that provides shareholders with a direct understanding of price action, volume alerts, company news, events, and more. PulseIR's go-to-market launch with PanGenomic Health Inc. signifies a milestone growth opportunity as companies across industries look to connect and enhance their existing marketing infrastructure through automation.