Luceco plc announced the signing of a new Revolving Credit Facility that will provide the Group with borrowing of up to £120 million. The key details are as follows: Initial commitment of £80 million, with the potential to expand by a further £40 million via an accordion facility over the term; Replacing £50 million of existing facilities, including ending the Group's use of asset-backed financing in favour of traditional committed lending; Supported by four participating banks, diversifying the Group's source of funds: HSBC UK Bank Plc (incumbent), NatWest, Bank of China and Bank of Ireland; Committed until 30 September 2024, with an option to extend by up to two years thereafter; Same pricing as existing facilities; Financial covenants (pre-IFRS 16 basis): Net debt leverage of <3.0x Adjusted EBITDA (2.5x for existing facilities); Interest cover of >4.0x Adjusted EBITDA (same as existing facilities); Accordingly, the Group will begin to report pre-IFRS 16 Adjusted EBITDA, net debt and leverage metrics from 31 December 2021. Luceco's capital structure policy of targeting leverage at 1.0 - 2.0x Adjusted EBITDA is unchanged.