Lydian International Limited commented on a decision by Armenia's Administrative Court to reject an Application calling for the Minister of Environment to revoke the Environmental Impact Assessment ("EIA") of the Amulsar Project approved in April 2016. The reasoning of the Court is important in the context of ongoing unlawful activities against the Amulsar Project. A small number of private citizens alleged that 'new ecological factors' had come to light which justified setting aside the existing EIA. The evidence relied upon by the activists included: the disputed Report on the Amulsar Project prepared by Earth Link &Advanced Resources Development for the Investigative Committee of Armenia ("ELARD Report"); 13 points potentially justifying a new EIA sent by the Minister of Environment ("ME") to the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff on September 5th ("ME's 13 Points"); and the 'findings' of alleged experts retained by or on behalf of a vocal critic of the Amulsar Project. In dismissing the Application, the Administrative Court was very clear that all environmental factors outlined in any of the evidence were not 'new ecological factors' and could not be a basis on which to set aside the existing EIA.