Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Lyft, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Lyft, Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Lyft, Inc.

AutoTech Management LLC

Investment Managers

The Advertising Council, Inc.

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Higher Ground Labs Management LLC

Investment Managers

Tanium, Inc.

Information Technology Services

Dvx Ventures

Investment Managers

Commonweal Ventures Management LLC

Investment Managers

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Packaged Software6
Investment Managers4
Internet Retail3
Information Technology Services3
Property/Casualty Insurance2
Internet Software/Services2
Miscellaneous Commercial Services2
Other Consumer Services2
Telecommunications Equipment1
Home Furnishings1

Countries of related companies

United States37
Logo Lyft, Inc.
Lyft, Inc. is a multimodal transportation network in the United States and Canada that offer access to a variety of transportation options through its platform and mobile-based applications. The Lyft Platform provides a marketplace where drivers can be matched with riders via the Lyft App, where it operates as a transportation network company. Transportation options through its platform and mobile-based applications are substantially comprised of its ridesharing marketplace that connects drivers and riders in cities across the United States and in select cities in Canada, its network of bikes and scooters, and the Express Drive program, where drivers can enter into short-term rental agreements with its subsidiary, Flexdrive Services, LLC or a third party for vehicles that may be used to provide ridesharing services on the Lyft Platform. It makes the ridesharing marketplace available to organizations through Lyft Business offerings, such as the Concierge and Lyft Pass programs.
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