Major shareholders: Manila Electric Company

Metro Pacific Investments Corp.
47.46 %
534,966,042 47.46 % 4 106 M ₱
JG Summit Holdings, Inc.
26.37 %
297,189,397 26.37 % 2 281 M ₱
Sjunde AP-fonden
0.0477 %
537,700 0.0477 % 4 M ₱
James Go
0.0186 %
209,450 0.0186 % 2 M ₱
Mercer Global Investments Europe Ltd.
0.0173 %
195,452 0.0173 % 2 M ₱
178,910 0.0159 % 1 M ₱
Amundi Asset Management SA (Investment Management)
0.006681 %
75,300 0.006681 % 577 911 ₱
JPMorgan Asset Management (Singapore) Ltd.
0.006654 %
75,000 0.006654 % 575 609 ₱
Eq8 Capial Sdn. Bhd.
0.006122 %
69,000 0.006122 % 529 560 ₱
Swiss Rock Asset Management AG
0.005871 %
66,170 0.005871 % 507 840 ₱
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Breakdown by shareholder type

JG Summit Holdings, Inc.26.37%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Philippines 73.83%
Individuals 0.07%
Sweden 0.05%
Ireland 0.02%
Switzerland 0.01%
Luxembourg 0.01%
Japan 0.01%
Malaysia 0.01%
Singapore 0.01%
France 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Manila Electric Company
Manila Electric Co. is an electric power distribution company, with franchise area covering 9,685 square kilometers. Its segments include Power and Other Services. The Power segment consists of electricity distribution, power generation and retail electricity supply (RES). The Other Services segment is involved principally in electricity-related services, such as electro-mechanical engineering, construction, consulting and related manpower services, e-transaction and bills collection, telecommunications services, rail-related operations and maintenance services, insurance and re-insurance, e-business development, power distribution management, energy systems management and harnessing renewable energy and electric vehicle and charging infrastructure solutions. Electricity distribution includes electricity distribution and supply of power on a pass-through basis covering all captive customers of the Company, Clark Electric Distribution Corporation and Shin Clark Power Corporation.
More about the company