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Relation chart of related listed companies: Matterport, Inc.

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Listed companies

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Activities of related companies

Information Technology Services2
Internet Software/Services1
Packaged Software1
Tools & Hardware1

Countries of related companies

United States4
Logo Matterport, Inc.
Matterport, Inc. is a digitization and datafication company. The Company’s technology platform uses spatial data collected from a variety of digital capture devices to transform physical buildings and spaces into dimensionally accurate, photorealistic digital twins that provide its subscribers access to valuable building information and insights. Its platform has set the standard for digitizing, accessing and managing buildings, spaces and places online. It has developed and scaled its three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction technology powered by Cortex, its artificial intelligence (AI)-driven software engine that uses machine learning to recreate a photorealistic, 3D virtual representation of an entire building structure, including contents, equipment and furnishings. Its offerings include software subscription, data licensing, services and product hardware. It has footprint across various end markets, including residential and commercial real estate, facilities management and others.
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