Executive Committee: Medacta Group SA

Positions heldSince
Francesco Siccardi

Francesco Siccardi

48 year

Chief Executive Officer 2018-10-31
Corrado Farsetta

Corrado Farsetta

57 year

Director of Finance/CFO 2010-12-31
Gianluca Olgiati

Gianluca Olgiati

Sales & Marketing -
Anja Pomrehn

Anja Pomrehn

Investor Relations Contact 2024-11-20
Public Communications Contact 2024-11-20

Composition of the Board of Directors: Medacta Group SA

Alberto Siccardi

Alberto Siccardi

81 year

Chairman 1998-12-31
Philippe Weber

Philippe Weber

60 year

Compensation Committee 2020-03-30
Nominating Committee 2020-03-30
Compensation Committee Chair 2020-12-31
HR Committee Chair 2018-12-31
Nominating Committee Chair 2020-12-31
Victor Waldemar Balli

Victor Waldemar Balli

68 year

Compensation Committee 2016-03-16
Audit Committee Chair 2019-12-31
Nominating Committee 2016-12-31
Audit Committee 2019-04-08
Riccardo Braglia

Riccardo Braglia

65 year

Compensation Committee 2020-12-17
HR Committee 2020-12-17
Maria Luisa Siccardi Tonolli

Maria Luisa Siccardi Tonolli

50 year

Audit Committee 2017-12-31

Former Officers and Directors: Medacta Group SA

Positions held
Gianna la Rana
Gianna la Rana
Investor Relations Contact 2020-08-31 2022-09-30
Marco Gadola
Marco Gadola
Director/Board Member 2019-12-31 2020-05-18

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 9
Female 1

Of which Executive Committee

Male 4
Female 0

Of which Directors

Male 4
Female 1


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
Sharia compliant
Logo Medacta Group SA
Medacta International SA is a Swiss-based company specialized in medical devices. The Company develops, manufactures and distributes orthopaedic and neurosurgical medical devices. The Company designs a number of products, such as hip products, including hip replacement, hip anatomy, hip diseases, and other products for the preparation of hip surgery; knee product, which encompasses knee anatomy, knee diseases, knee replacement, the stability of the knee and for the preparation of knee surgery; shoulder product, which includes shoulder anatomy, shoulder disease, shoulder replacement, and for the preparation of shoulder operation, and spine product, which includes products for spinal treatments, spinal anatomy and for surgery, among others. Additionally, the Company also offers training and support to healthcare professionals.
More about the company