FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX) - Fake Gucci caps and imitation Rolex watches: In the fight against product pirates, the campaign Plagiarius has drawn attention to a trend in social digital media. So-called "Dupe Influencer" recommend there their mostly young followers fake designer and luxury products, criticized the association on Friday at the consumer goods fair "Ambiente" in Frankfurt. "They self-aggrandizingly legitimize the sale of infringing items and downplay the purchase as cool and acceptable."

As a result, he said, social acceptance of counterfeiting is increasing and indifference is emerging to the economic damage caused to manufacturers and designers of counterfeit products. More than one in three young Europeans between the ages of 15 and 24 have deliberately bought counterfeit products.

The campaign has been fighting against product pirates and their worldwide billion-dollar sales since 1977. The "Plagiarius" award - a dwarf with a golden nose - regularly denounces manufacturers and retailers of particularly brazen imitations. Often, the references come from the original manufacturers, who have to agree with the awarding of the invective prize.

Customs raids regularly take place at the world's leading trade fair, "Ambiente," where the holders of the original rights have counterfeit products confiscated. However, the Internet has made far more complex and direct distribution channels possible. The manifestations of digital trademark infringement are becoming increasingly diverse, the association criticizes. "From classic plagiarism, counterfeiting and copyright infringement to domain theft and trademark misuse to complete identity theft and fake stores." Digital protection strategies are needed against this, he said.

In 2023, the main bashing prize goes to a German furniture retailer that distributed a replica of the "Link" wall shelving system, the original of which came from Hamburg-based design studio Hausen. Instead of certified solid wood from sustainable forestry, the plagiarists used low-quality tropical mango wood, and the cheap metal brackets were warped. According to Plagiarius, the retailer stopped sales after it became known and destroyed remaining stocks. Other victims of product piracy were plastics manufacturer Koziol and carmakers Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen./ceb/DP/stw