Atomyze was the first Russian firm to receive approval to exchange digital assets in February, while the central bank has long voiced scepticism about cryptocurrencies.

"The emergence of Russia's first industrial token marks the entry of the Russian economy into a new period - the era of tokenisation," businessman Vladimir Potanin said in a statement of his Interros Holding, one of Atomyze's investors and the largest shareholder at metals producer Nornickel.

"Unlike unsecured cryptocurrency, where blockchain technology is used to maximise user anonymity, industrial and other tokens are secured by physical assets, and the use of blockchain technology makes transactions with them secure," he added.

Russian bank Rosbank, in which Interros also owns a stake, and a broker Vector X, became the first investors on the platform, Atomyze said in its statement.

(Reporting by Reuters; editing by Jason Neely)