Executive Committee: Mistras Group, Inc.

Positions heldSince
Shuman-Fabbri Natalia

Shuman-Fabbri Natalia

Chief Executive Officer 2024-12-31
President 2024-12-31
Michael Keefe

Michael Keefe

68 year

General Counsel 2009-11-30
Corporate Secretary 2010-04-04
Nestor S. Makarigakis

Nestor S. Makarigakis

Public Communications Contact 2008-03-31
Sales & Marketing 2008-03-31
Chris Smith

Chris Smith

Compliance Officer 2008-04-30
Edward Prajzner

Edward Prajzner

58 year

Director of Finance/CFO 2018-01-04
Hani Hammad

Hani Hammad

36 year

Chief Operating Officer 2024-12-31

Composition of the Board of Directors: Mistras Group, Inc.

Manuel Stamatakis

Manuel Stamatakis

77 year

Chairman 2023-10-08
Charles Pizzi

Charles Pizzi

74 year

Executive Committee 1991-04-30
Governance Committee 2020-12-31
Compensation Committee Chair 1996-08-21
Audit Committee 2020-12-31
Jim Forese

Jim Forese

87 year

Executive Committee
Compensation Committee 2015-02-12
Audit Committee Chair 2010-08-18
Governance Committee Chair 2023-10-08
Richard Glanton

Richard Glanton

78 year

Compensation Committee
Governance Committee 2010-08-18
Michelle Lohmeier

Michelle Lohmeier

62 year

Compensation Committee Chair
Nicholas DeBenedictis

Nicholas DeBenedictis

79 year

Audit Committee 2015-10-19
Shuman-Fabbri Natalia

Shuman-Fabbri Natalia

Director/Board Member 2024-12-31

Former Officers and Directors: Mistras Group, Inc.

Positions held
Sotirios Vahaviolos
Sotirios Vahaviolos
Director/Board Member 2023-10-08 2025-02-05
Chief Executive Officer 1977-12-31 2017-08-09
Chairman 1977-12-31 2023-10-08
Founder 1977-12-31 2025-02-05
President 2011-02-16 2016-05-31
Dennis Bertolotti
Dennis Bertolotti
Director/Board Member 2017-08-09 2023-10-08
Chief Executive Officer 2017-08-09 2023-10-08
Chief Operating Officer 2016-05-31 2017-08-09
Corporate Officer/Principal 2002-12-31 2016-05-31
President 2016-05-31 2023-10-08
Jonathan Wolk
Jonathan Wolk
Chief Operating Officer 2017-08-09 2023-02-07
Director of Finance/CFO 2013-11-17 2018-01-04
Treasurer 2013-11-17 2017-08-09
Curtis W. Weldon
Curtis W. Weldon
Director/Board Member 2013-12-31 2020-12-30
Independent Dir/Board Member 2013-12-31 2020-12-30
Ellen Ruff
Ellen Ruff
Director/Board Member 2011-02-16 2015-10-19
Independent Dir/Board Member 2011-02-14 2015-10-19
Ralph L. Genesi
Ralph L. Genesi
Sales & Marketing 2009-10-05 2015-05-30
Daniel Dickinson
Daniel Dickinson
Director/Board Member 2003-07-31 2013-12-31
Independent Dir/Board Member 2003-07-31 2013-12-31
Justin Vogel
Justin Vogel
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2013-09-08 2013-10-10
Public Communications Contact 2010-03-31 2013-09-08
Francis T. Joyce
Francis T. Joyce
Director of Finance/CFO 2010-07-12 2013-08-28
Treasurer 2010-07-18 2013-08-28
Julie Marini
Julie Marini
Human Resources Officer 2012-01-31 -
Elizabeth A. Burgess
Elizabeth A. Burgess
Director/Board Member 2005-09-30 2010-10-13
Paul Peterik
Paul Peterik
Director of Finance/CFO 2010-07-11 2010-07-11
Treasurer 2010-07-11 2010-07-11
Edward C. Haversang
Edward C. Haversang
Corporate Officer/Principal 2008-12-31 2009-12-31
Philip Orlando
Philip Orlando
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2013-09-08 -
Director of Finance/CFO 2013-09-08 2013-11-18
Mark F. Carlos
Mark F. Carlos
Corporate Officer/Principal 2010-08-18 -
Phillip Trevor Cole
Phillip Trevor Cole
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Scott Narvesen
Scott Narvesen
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
David McNally
David McNally
Sales & Marketing - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 13
Female 2

Of which Executive Committee

Male 5
Female 1

Of which Directors

Male 5
Female 2


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision
Logo Mistras Group, Inc.
Mistras Group, Inc. is a provider of integrated technology-enabled asset protection solutions. The Company’s segments include North America, International and Products and Systems. Its North America segment provides asset protection solutions in the United States and Canada, which consists primarily of non-destructive testing, inspection, mechanical and engineering services that are used to evaluate the structural integrity and reliability of critical energy, industrial and public infrastructure and commercial aerospace components. Software, digital and data services are included in this segment. Its International segment offers services, products and systems similar to those of the other segments to select markets within Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and South America. Its Products and Systems segment designs, manufactures, sells, installs and services its asset protection products and systems, including equipment and instrumentation, predominantly in the United States.
More about the company

Departures of Key Persons

Dennis Bertolotti
Dennis Bertolotti

Chief Executive Officer

2017-08-09 2023-10-08

Sotirios Vahaviolos
Sotirios Vahaviolos

Chief Executive Officer

1977-12-31 2017-08-09