Mogotes Metals Inc. announced further positive gold-silvercopper rock chip assay expand the Rincon prospect, at the Filo Sur project adjoining the world class Filo del Sol CuAu-Ag High Sulfidation Epithermal (HSE) and Porphyry (PCD) project in the Filo del Sol, Vicuna District, Argentina. Reconnaissance rock chip and channel samples return assays up to 6m at Au: 1.32 Au and 94.3 g/t Ag from advanced argillic and vuggy silica high sulfidation epithermal structures; Trench channel sampling returns anomalous length weighted average assay results of 150m at 0.23 g/t Au, 1.4 g/t Ag, 620 ppm Cu and 461ppm Zn from a zone of high intensity sheeted quartz veinlet zone hosted in phyllic to propylitic altered quartz diorite stock; Combined Rincon results outline a 1.1 km long zone with indications of the upper level of a Maricunga style Au-Cu porphyry with structurally controlled, overprinting high sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag (Cu) mineralization; Mogotes geophysical anomalies underlying Rincon Au-Ag-Cu-Pb-Zn mineralization define potentially attractive drill targets for up coming Spring ? Summer program planned to commence in October 2024; The Rincon soil Au-Cu-base metal anomaly remains untested for a further 1.2 km to the south of this seasons trenching suggesting potential to significantly extend the mineralized trend.

Next steps at the Rincon target -> Spring ? Summer (October 2024 to May 2025); Extend existing trenches to open up full width of sheeted vein zone; New trenches to test Au Cu Ag Zn soil anomaly to the south of T2 and Preparation for drilling in Spring ? Summer (October 2024 to April 2025).

Rincon Prospect Technical Update As previously reported (Mogotes News Release 8th July 2024) the Camino and Rincon are newly recognized prospects identified by Mogotes Metals in 2023, that are define by a 3.9 km long north - south trend of alteration, Cu-Au-Ag-Mo in soils and rock chips and concealed geophysical anomalies. New Rincon Trend assay results report strongly anomalous Au-Ag-Cu (Zn-Pb) from outcrop chip and trench channel sampling, confirming that the Rincon rock chip results extend over a 1.1 kms. north-south structurally controlled trend from the previously reported chip channel sampling at road cut 1, to the current most southerly trench at T2. The Rincon Au-Cu-Ag-Pb-Zn soil anomaly extends a further 1.2 km to the south of T2, suggesting the trend of mineralization may be expanded by additional trenching when exploration at the prospects recommences in spring (October) 2024.

The new rock chip and trench continuous chip-channel assay results from Rincon include, T1: A 6 m wide north-south trending, advanced argillic altered shear exposed in a gully on the east side of the prospect. The shear hosts localized pyrite ? enargite veining and secondary Cu-Fe sulphate staining.

A section of the shear that could be accessed for sampling returned a channel sample of 1m at 0.53 g/t Au, 17.5 g/t Ag and 861 ppm Cu. A select sample of a pyrite ? enargite vein within the shear returned an assay of 0.97 g/t Au, 14.7 g/t Ag and 0.36 % Cu.

T2: This bulldozer trench exposed a wide zone of high intensity (estimated up to 100 veinlets /m) sheeted quartz ± sulphide veinlets with localized malachite staining and localized overprinting vuggy silica zones. This mineralization is hosted by a propylitic to phyillic altered quartz diorite stock. Continuous chip-channel sampling (individual samples of 1.3 to 6.0 m in length) across the veinlet zone returned a length weighted average intersection of 150 m at 0.23 g/t Au 1.4 g/t Ag and 620 ppm Cu, with peak channel sample of 3 m at 0.63 g/t Au, 0.7 g/t Ag and 660 ppm Cu from 48m along the trench.

The veinlet zone remains open to the east under cover. T3: An additional trench was excavated between T1 and T2 but could not be systematically sampled before the exploration season closed. However, a 6 m wide chip-channel sample was collected on the eastern edge of the T3 trench, from an advanced argillic altered structure.

This sample returned an assay of 6 m at 1.32 g/t Au, 94.3 g/t Ag and 53 ppm Cu. Sampling of the full zone of sheeted veinlets and advanced argillic structures exposed in T3 will be a priority for the spring 2024 exploration program. Additionally, rock chip assays from Road Cut 2 located at an altitude of 4800 m ASL show only weakly anomalous Au-Ag-Cu but strongly anomalous epithermal path finder elements (Sb, As) including Sb up to 481 ppm.

While Road Cut 1, T1, T2 and T3 with the strongly anomalous Au-Ag-Cu-Zn reported here, all outcrop approximately 100 m topographically lower at approximately 4700m ASL suggesting a vector of increasing metal grade with depth along the trend. These patterns suggest a vector to increasing grades of Au-Ag-Cu to depth, supporting further exploration of the Rincon Trend. Initial interpretations of the mineralization styles reported and assay results from the Rincon zone, suggest current outcrop level at Roadcut 1, T1, T2 and T3, the represents the interface between structurally controlled roots of an Au-Ag (Cu) bearing advanced argillic lithocap and the upper part of a Maracunga style Au-Cu porphyry and high lighted the Rincon Trend and the underlying geophysical anomalies as attractive drill targets for the upcoming October 2024 exploration season.