Governance Monsanto




Agricultural Chemicals

Delayed Nyse 5-day change 1st Jan Change
- USD -.--% Intraday chart for Monsanto -.--% -.--%

Executive Committee: Monsanto

Positions heldSince

Composition of the Board of Directors: Monsanto


Former Officers and Directors: Monsanto

Positions held
Robert Stevens
Robert Stevens
Director/Board Member 2002-07-31 2018-06-06
Independent Dir/Board Member 2002-07-31 2018-06-06
David F. Snively
David F. Snively
General Counsel 2006-08-31 2018-06-06
Corporate Secretary 2006-08-31 2018-06-06
Hugh Grant
Hugh Grant
Chief Executive Officer 2003-05-28 2018-06-06
Chairman 1997-12-31 2018-06-06
Chief Operating Officer 1999-12-31 2003-05-28
Corporate Officer/Principal 1997-12-31 1999-12-31
President 2003-05-28 2012-08-23
Kerry Preete
Kerry Preete
Corporate Officer/Principal 2007-12-31 2018-06-06
Nicole M. Ringenberg
Nicole M. Ringenberg
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2009-12-10 2018-06-06
Corporate Officer/Principal 2004-07-31 2009-12-10
Janice Fields
Janice Fields
Director/Board Member 2008-03-31 2018-06-06
Independent Dir/Board Member 2008-03-31 2018-06-06
George Poste
George Poste
Director/Board Member 2003-01-31 2018-06-06
Independent Dir/Board Member 2012-01-11 2018-06-06
Steven Mizell
Steven Mizell
Human Resources Officer 2004-03-31 2018-06-06
Robert T. Fraley
Robert T. Fraley
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 1992-12-31 2018-06-06
President 1992-12-31 2018-06-06
Charles Stephen McMillan
Charles Stephen McMillan
Director/Board Member 2000-05-31 2018-06-06
Independent Dir/Board Member 2000-05-31 2018-06-06
Janet M. Holloway
Janet M. Holloway
Human Resources Officer 1983-12-31 2018-06-06
Arthur H. Harper
Arthur H. Harper
Director/Board Member 2006-10-23 2017-09-18
Independent Dir/Board Member 2006-10-23 2017-09-18
William Parfet
William Parfet
Director/Board Member 2000-05-31 2016-08-30
Independent Dir/Board Member 2000-05-31 2016-08-30
Gwendolyn Stewart King
Gwendolyn Stewart King
Director/Board Member 2001-01-31 2016-01-28
Independent Dir/Board Member 2001-01-31 2016-01-28
Gerald Steiner
Gerald Steiner
Public Communications Contact 2012-01-11 2013-12-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 2000-12-31 2012-01-11
Carl Martin Casale
Carl Martin Casale
Director of Finance/CFO 2009-08-31 2010-12-30
Frank AtLee
Frank AtLee
Director/Board Member 2003-10-13 2010-12-19
Chief Executive Officer 2002-12-17 2003-05-28
Chairman 2000-05-31 2003-10-13
President 2002-12-17 2003-05-28
Richard B. Clark
Richard B. Clark
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2000-12-31 2009-12-06
Cheryl Morley
Cheryl Morley
Corporate Officer/Principal 1996-12-31 -
Sharon Long
Sharon Long
Director/Board Member 2002-01-31 2007-10-30
Charles W. Burson
Charles W. Burson
General Counsel 2000-12-31 2006-12-30
Corporate Secretary 2000-12-31 2006-12-30
Scarlett Lee Foster
Scarlett Lee Foster
Public Communications Contact 2005-01-07 -
Gustavo Lara Cantu
Gustavo Lara Cantu
Corporate Officer/Principal 1979-12-31 2003-12-31
Jennifer Lindenmayer
Jennifer Lindenmayer
Sales & Marketing - 2003-09-29
John Murabito
John Murabito
Human Resources Officer 2000-02-29 2003-07-31
Mark J. Leidy
Mark J. Leidy
Corporate Officer/Principal 2000-12-31 -
Bruce P. Bickner
Bruce P. Bickner
Corporate Officer/Principal 1997-12-31 2000-12-31
Mark Andrew Iserloth
Mark Andrew Iserloth
Corporate Officer/Principal 1996-09-30 2000-09-30
Barbara L. Blackford
Barbara L. Blackford
Corporate Officer/Principal 1997-09-30 2000-08-31
Richard de Schutter
Richard de Schutter
Chief Administrative Officer 1998-12-31 2000-02-29
Director/Board Member 1998-12-31 2000-02-29
Arthur Lee Campbell
Arthur Lee Campbell
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 1979-12-31 1999-12-31
Yoshihiro Toyohara
Yoshihiro Toyohara
Director/Board Member 1998-12-31 1999-12-31
Robert A. Paley
Robert A. Paley
Treasurer 1999-12-31 -
Anik Bose
Anik Bose
Corporate Officer/Principal 1995-09-30 1999-08-31
Ian R. Miller
Ian R. Miller
Corporate Officer/Principal 1995-12-31 1998-12-31
Teresa E. McCaslin
Teresa E. McCaslin
Human Resources Officer 1993-12-31 1996-12-31
Robert G. Potter
Robert G. Potter
Corporate Officer/Principal 1985-12-31 1996-12-31
John Hunter
John Hunter
Corporate Officer/Principal 1991-12-31 1996-12-31
Mark Tomkins
Mark Tomkins
Corporate Officer/Principal 1990-10-31 1996-06-30
Brett Begemann
Brett Begemann
Chairman 2018-06-06 -
Chief Operating Officer 2013-10-24 2018-06-06
Corporate Officer/Principal 2007-09-30 2012-08-23
President 2012-08-23 -
Dick Sinise
Dick Sinise
Corporate Officer/Principal - 1979-12-30
Donna Bridgeman
Donna Bridgeman
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Richard Weidner
Richard Weidner
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Andrew W. Cash
Andrew W. Cash
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Dennis Schoemehl
Dennis Schoemehl
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Zsolt Rumy
Zsolt Rumy
Sales & Marketing - -
Neil Brent Stafford
Neil Brent Stafford
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
John A. Rolls
John A. Rolls
Treasurer - -
Laurie A. Phillips
Laurie A. Phillips
Public Communications Contact - -
John C. Sheptor
John C. Sheptor
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Henry Groppe
Henry Groppe
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Daniel M. Nickel
Daniel M. Nickel
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Michael T. Abbene
Michael T. Abbene
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jon Suarez-Davis
Jon Suarez-Davis
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
John F. Saucier
John F. Saucier
Sales & Marketing - -
Amin I. Khalifa
Amin I. Khalifa
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Aldo Noseda
Aldo Noseda
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - -
Derek Rapp
Derek Rapp
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Timothy Dillon Bernardez
Timothy Dillon Bernardez
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
David N. Duncan
David N. Duncan
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Antoinette P. McCorvey
Antoinette P. McCorvey
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
N. Cornell Boggs
N. Cornell Boggs
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Charles Roome
Charles Roome
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Azmi Jafarey
Azmi Jafarey
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Andrew J. Kuchan
Andrew J. Kuchan
Director of Finance/CFO - -
Christine A. Karslake
Christine A. Karslake
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Mark Currie
Mark Currie
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Sean P. Willems
Sean P. Willems
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Cathy Levendoski
Cathy Levendoski
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Andrea Saia
Andrea Saia
Sales & Marketing - -
Gregory M. Lanza
Gregory M. Lanza
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Mark Strickland
Mark Strickland
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Richard G. Dahlen
Richard G. Dahlen
General Counsel - -
Tammy S. Serati
Tammy S. Serati
Human Resources Officer - -
Randy J. McBeath
Randy J. McBeath
Sales & Marketing - -
David T. Bowman
David T. Bowman
General Counsel - -
Charles P. Duncker
Charles P. Duncker
Corporate Officer/Principal 1958-12-31 1966-12-31

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 1
Female 0

Of which Executive Committee

Male 0
Female 0

Of which Directors

Male 0
Female 0
ESG Refinitiv

Departures of Key Persons

Pradeep Narendra N. Poddar
Pradeep Narendra N. Poddar

Chief Executive Officer

Brett Begemann
Brett Begemann


2018-06-06 -

Robert Shapiro
Robert Shapiro

Chief Executive Officer

1994-12-31 2000-02-27

Hendrik A. Verfaillie
Hendrik A. Verfaillie

Chief Executive Officer

2000-02-27 2002-12-17

Frank AtLee
Frank AtLee

Chief Executive Officer

2002-12-17 2003-05-28

Hugh Grant
Hugh Grant

Chief Executive Officer

2003-05-28 2018-06-06