Major shareholders: Mota-Engil, SGPS, S.A.

FM-Sociedade de Controlo SGPS SA
38.41 %
117,827,648 38.41 % 356 M €
China Communications Construction Co. Ltd.
32.41 %
99,426,974 32.41 % 300 M €
IM Gestão de Ativos SGFI SA
1.157 %
3,550,000 1.157 % 11 M €
Fineco Asset Management DAC
0.5568 %
1,708,120 0.5568 % 5 M €
1,650,000 0.5379 % 5 M €
1,444,490 0.4709 % 4 M €
856,300 0.2791 % 3 M €
829,530 0.2704 % 3 M €
Optimize Investment Partners SGOIC SA
0.2331 %
715,131 0.2331 % 2 M €
West Yorkshire Pension Fund
0.1865 %
572,253 0.1865 % 2 M €
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Breakdown by shareholder type

China Communications Construction Co. Ltd.32.41%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Portugal 40.05%
China 32.41%
Individuals 1.79%
Ireland 0.61%
United Kingdom 0.21%
Spain 0.09%
Finland 0.06%
Italy 0.02%
France 0.02%
Germany 0.01%
Norway 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Mota-Engil, SGPS, S.A.
Mota-Engil, SGPS, S.A. is a group organized around 6 sectors of activity: - Engineering and Construction: Mota-Engil, SGPS, S.A. has developed construction projects in some fifty countries and is present on three continents (Europe, Africa and Latin America) where it has asserted its technical competence and reputation, excelling in the construction of various infrastructures such as roads, freeways, airports, ports, dams and railroads ; - Industrial Engineering Services: the group has capitalized on its recognized presence and experience since 1998, with a proven ability to operate in numerous markets, reflected in medium-term contracts of between three and eight years; - Environment: Mota-Engil, SGPS, S.A. began its activities in the environmental sector in Portugal in 1995, through the company SUMA in the urban waste management and collection segment, and added its skills to those of the company EGF, a leader in waste treatment and recovery. Internationally, Mota-Engil is increasingly developing its activities in this sector, in markets such as Angola, Mozambique, Cape Verde, Brazil, Oman and Côte d'Ivoire; - Mota-Engil Capital: a business unit whose aim is to optimize value creation for the group through investment diversification, underpinned by integrated management of a range of assets and projects complementary to the Engineering, Construction and Environment segments. - Mota-Engil Mext: unit responsible for differentiated areas such as Real Estate, Agroforestry Production and Energy. It also aims to strengthen investment in innovation and accelerate global transformation; - Concessions: Mota-Engil, SGPS, S.A. operates, through Lineas and its subsidiaries, a network of some 2,500 km of roads and freeways, including the two bridges of the city of Lisbon. The business extends to international markets, mainly in Latin America.
More about the company