Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Mr D.I.Y. Group (M)

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Mr D.I.Y. Group (M)

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Mr D.I.Y. Group (M)

Malaysian Institute of Accountants

Other Consumer Services

MR. D.I.Y. Trading Sdn. Bhd.

Home Improvement Chains

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Invalued Trading Pvt Ltd.

Yield Management Sdn. Bhd.

Yield Management Two Sdn. Bhd.

DIY Holding (Thailand) Co. Ltd.

Specialty Stores

U & Locatoin Sdn. Bhd.

Diy Holding M Sdn. Bhd.

Sterling Infratech Sdn. Bhd.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Specialty Stores1
Miscellaneous Commercial Services1
Home Improvement Chains1
Other Consumer Services1
Real Estate Development1
Food: Major Diversified1
Electronics/Appliance Stores1
Electronic Equipment/Instruments1
Oilfield Services/Equipment1
Major Telecommunications1

Countries of related companies

United Kingdom1
Logo Mr D.I.Y. Group (M)
MR. D.I.Y. Group (M) Berhad is a Malaysia-based home improvement retailer. The Company's stores offer a selection of products across five major categories, namely hardware, household and furnishings, electrical, stationery, and sports equipment, as well as others like toys, car accessories, jewelry, cosmetics, and food and beverages. The Company's brands include MR. D.I.Y., MR. D.I.Y. Express, MR. D.I.Y. PLUS, MR. TOY and MR. DOLLAR. MR. D.I.Y. stores provide a variety of everyday home improvement essentials. MR. D.I.Y. Express is a smaller store format. MR.DIY PLUS offers a combination of MR.DIY, MR. DOLLAR and MR.TOY. MR. TOY offers a range of toys for children of all ages. MR. DOLLAR offers food & beverages (F&B) and other household products at multiple price points. Its stores are managed directly, with the retailer working in collaboration with owners of shopfronts and malls. It has approximately 1,255 convenient locations nationwide and an e-commerce platform, www.mrdiy.com.my.
More about the company