Share class: Munich Re

VoteQuantityFree-FloatCompany-owned sharesTotal Float
Stock A1133,760,287133,114,495 ( 99.52 %) 641,827 ( 0.4798 %) 99.52 %

Major shareholders: Munich Re

Amundi Asset Management SA (Investment Management)
0.691 %
924,251 0.691 % 502 M €
ACATIS Investment Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH
0.3506 %
468,948 0.3506 % 255 M €
State Street Global Advisors Ltd.
0.2445 %
327,068 0.2445 % 178 M €
Skagen AS (Investment Management Old)
0.1949 %
260,727 0.1949 % 142 M €
Aristotle Capital Management LLC
0.1667 %
222,933 0.1667 % 121 M €
FMR Investment Management (UK) Ltd.
0.1634 %
218,567 0.1634 % 119 M €
Sjunde AP-fonden
0.1541 %
206,163 0.1541 % 112 M €
OFI Invest Asset Management SA
0.1349 %
180,451 0.1349 % 98 M €
LBBW Asset Management Investmentgesellschaft mbH
0.1174 %
156,985 0.1174 % 85 M €
Eurizon Capital SGR SpA
0.1054 %
140,924 0.1054 % 77 M €
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Aristotle Capital Management LLC
0.6724 %
8,994,630 0.6724 % 98 M €
RhumbLine Advisers LP
0.0101 %
134,696 0.0101 % 1 M €
Hantz Financial Services, Inc.
0.008266 %
110,571 0.008266 % 1 M €
Atlas Capital Advisors LLC
0.002275 %
30,430 0.002275 % 330 500 €
GAMMA Investing LLC
0.001994 %
26,669 0.001994 % 289 652 €
SVB Wealth LLC
0.001776 %
23,760 0.001776 % 258 057 €
Paradigm Asset Management Co. LLC
0.000675 %
9,030 0.000675 % 98 075 €
PNC Investments LLC
0.000445 %
5,958 0.000445 % 64 710 €
Sit Investment Associates, Inc.
0.000445 %
5,950 0.000445 % 64 623 €
First Horizon Advisors, Inc.
0.000281 %
3,758 0.000281 % 40 816 €
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Breakdown by shareholder type


Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

France 1.4%
Germany 1.13%
United Kingdom 0.72%
Norway 0.27%
Sweden 0.21%
Italy 0.2%
Spain 0.19%
United States 0.19%
Ireland 0.18%
Austria 0.17%
Switzerland 0.14%
Netherlands 0.13%
Belgium 0.11%
Luxembourg 0.11%
Denmark 0.09%
Canada 0.04%
Finland 0.03%
Individuals 0.03%
South Africa 0.02%
Japan 0.02%
Liechtenstein 0.02%
Hong Kong 0.01%
China 0.01%
Portugal 0.01%
Australia 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Munich Re
Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft (Munich Re) is one of the world leaders in reinsurance. Gross written premiums break down by activity as follows: - reinsurance (70.4%): non-life reinsurance (77.2% of gross written premiums) and life and health reinsurance (22.8%); - insurance (29.6%): life and health insurance (50% of gross premiums issued) and non-life insurance (21.2%). The remaining gross written premiums (28,8%) are from international insurance activities. Revenues are distributed geographically as follows: Germany (30.3%), Europe (26.2%), North America (28.8%), Asia and Australasia (9.8%), Africa and the Middle East (2.7%) and Latin America (2.2%).
More about the company