Natera, Inc. announced the Company's first commercial coverage policies for its molecular residual disease test, Signatera, including its first pan-cancer coverage policy for adjuvant, recurrence monitoring, and treatment monitoring. Effective March 1, 2023, Blue Shield of California now provides commercial coverage of Signatera for plan members diagnosed with any solid tumors. Specifically, the policy describes tumor-informed ctDNA testing with Signatera as medically necessary for patients with stage I-IV cancer to provide information for (1) adjuvant or targeted therapy; and/or (2) monitoring for relapse or progression, including but not limited to the use of immunotherapy.

In addition, effective January 1, 2023, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana is providing coverage of serial testing with Signatera for plan members diagnosis with colorectal and muscle invasive bladder cancer and for pan-cancer immunotherapy monitoring. Data supporting the clinical validity and utility of Signatera has been published in approximately 40 peer-reviewed publications, including validation across multiple cancer types to detect recurrence earlier than standard diagnostic tools1,2and to improve the assessment of treatment response in conjunction with imaging.