Companhia Aberta

CNPJ/MF nº 32.785.497/0001-97


Natura &Co Holding S.A. (B3: NTCO3) ("Companhia"), nos termos do art. 12 da Resolução da CVM nº 44, de 23 de agosto de 2021, conforme alterada, comunica aos seus acionistas e ao mercado em geral que recebeu, nesta data, correspondência encaminhada por seu acionista fundador, Sr. Antonio Luiz da Cunha Seabra, por meio da qual comunica a redução de sua participação de 14,36% para 4,79%.

A redução da participação, quando efetivada, ocorrerá por meio da doação da nua propriedade de ações ordinárias de emissão da Companhia à sua esposa e seus filhos, com reserva do usufruto vitalício da integralidade dos respectivos direitos políticos e econômicos, não resultando, portanto, na alteração do controle acionário ou na estrutura administrativa da Companhia.

O inteiro teor da correspondência recebida consta do Anexo ao presente comunicado ao mercado.

São Paulo, 3 de dezembro de 2024.

Guilherme Castellan

Diretor Financeiro e de Relações com



Publicly Held Company

CNPJ/MF nº 32.785.497/0001-97


Natura &Co Holding S.A. (B3: NTCO3) ("Company"), pursuant to art. 12 of CVM Resolution no. 44, of August 23, 2021, as amended, hereby informs its shareholders and the market in general that it received, on this date, a letter from its founding shareholder, Mr. Antonio Luiz da Cunha Seabra, through which he communicates the decrease of his shareholding stake in the Company from 14.36% to 4.79%.

The decrease in the shareholding, when effected, will take place through the donation, to his wife and his siblings, of the bare ownership of common shares issued by the Company, with the reservation of the lifetime usufrust rights of the shares´political and economic rights, and will therefore, not result in a change in shareholder control or in the Company's administrative structure.

The full text of the letter is attached to this notice to the market.

São Paulo, December 3, 2024.

Guilherme Castellan

Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer

Natura &Co Holding S.A.

Avenida Alexandre Colares, No. 1.188, Parque Anhanguera

Zip Code 05106-000

São Paulo, SP, Brazil

Attn: Mr. Guilherme Strano Castellan

Investors Relations Officer

Tel.: 55 (11) 4389-9700


NATURA &CO HOLDING S.A. - Disclosure of Material Equity Holding

Dear Sirs,

  1. For the purpose of article 12 of the Brazilian Securities Commission ("CVM") Resolution No. 44, of August 23, 2021, we request the Investor Relations Officer of Natura &Co Holding S.A
    ("Company") to disclose the following information to the CVM and to the relevant authorities:
    1. the Company's shareholder, Antonio Luiz da Cunha Seabra ("Antonio Luiz"), decided to donate the bare ownership of common shares issued by the Company, reserving the lifetime usufruct (usufruto vitalício) of all political rights and economic rights, with his wife Lucia Helena Rios Seabra and his children Adriana Rauci Seabra, Luis Henrique Raucci Seabra, Luis Fernando Raucci Seabra and Estela Rios Seabra as grantees ("Donation");
    2. the Donation will be submitted to the Central Bank of Brazil and the Bookkeeping Agent. Antonio Luiz's stake will be reduced from 14.36% to 4.79% (66,465,205 shares), a reduction of 9.57%, with his wife Lucia Helena Seabra now holding rights to 4.78% (66,360,096 shares) and each of their children now holding bare ownership of 1.20% (16,590,000 shares each); and
    3. the purpose of the Donation is to facilitate the succession of the aforementioned controlling shareholder, and therefore does not result in a change in the Company's shareholding control nor management structure.
  2. We remain at your disposal for any further clarifications or comments you may deem necessary on the subject.

Yours faithfully,

Antonio Luiz da Cunha Seabra


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Natura & Co Holding SA published this content on December 03, 2024, and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on December 03, 2024 at 23:53:04.165.