Netfonds AG integrates comparit comparison calculator into the finfire platform

Hamburg, 23 October 2024 - Netfonds AG (ISIN: DE000A1MME74) has integrated the comparison calculator for life products from cpit comparit GmbH into its in-house advisor platform finfire. The comparit comparison calculator operates independently of the interests of market participants and will be available to finfire users from January 2025 following its successful implementation. The main advantage of the application lies in the transfer of customer and contract data, which enables an optimised processing procedure. The return path for calculations and application data is also currently being implemented.

The central aim of the cooperation between Netfonds and cpit comparit GmbH is to develop an efficient technical solution that combines the strengths of both companies. To this end, the data models are not only harmonised, but in some cases developed jointly. This leads to a seamless integration of the comparison calculator into the finfire platform and avoids duplicate data entry. This technical solution will significantly increase the efficiency of workflows for the connected intermediaries.

"We are delighted with the successful initial integration of the comparit comparison calculator, which we will continue to expand over time. The independence behind this new technology provides us with the basis for a data highway to our insurance partners. We took part in the initiative early on out of conviction and are very happy with the first usable results. The expansion to become a full-range provider is in full swing. We are making the product available free of charge for the time being and look forward to the feedback from users, which will help us to continuously develop the product further," says Mathias Horn, board member of NVS Netfonds Versicherungsservice AG.

"comparit's independent and technical approach fits perfectly into the modern world of Netfonds and the finfire platform. We bring a lot of experience to the table, which we are already successfully providing in the life sector. The system is fast and new comparison options offer better advice. We are delighted that the market has accepted our offer so well. We are planning to integrate the health insurance area in the coming year. To this end, we will utilise the experience and data depth of ObjectiveIT's Levelnine solutions, which have now been fully integrated into comparit. We are looking forward to the next joint development steps," says Matthias Brauch, CEO of cpit comparit GmbH.

Further information on the Netfonds Group and its affiliated subsidiaries can be found at

Netfonds AG

Heidenkampsweg 73

20097 Hamburg


Press Contact

Philip Angrabeit

Phone: +49 40 822 267 142


About the Netfonds Group

The Netfonds Group is a leading platform for administration, consulting and regulation for the German financial industry. Under the finfire brand, the company provides its customers and partners with a cloud-based technology platform for the complete processing and administration of business transactions. Netfonds' customers thus benefit from one of the most modern software solutions on the market, which significantly simplifies the advisory process, makes it secure and enables target group-specific advice. The shares of Netfonds AG are listed in the m:access segment of the Munich Stock Exchange and can be traded via XETRA.


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Netfonds AG published this content on October 24, 2024, and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on October 23, 2024 at 09:35:12.225.