Nicola Mining Inc. announced the completion of a 3D induced polarization survey. Based on 3D IP Survey results the Company is in the process of commencing of its 2024 diamond drilling program at the New Craigmont Copper Project, situated approximately 11 kilometres from Merritt, BC and adjacent to Teck Resources Ltd.'s Highland Valley Copper, Canada's largest open-pit copper mine. A significant resistivity anomaly appears in the western section of New Craigmont, near the Lornex Fault, via the Company's 2022 ZTEM Survey.
This anomaly was confirmed and refined by the 2024 3D IP Survey. Additionally, the Survey detected chargeability anomalies on the edges of the resistivity anomaly within the area, and a potential structure trending ENE, which coincides with the strongest and largest chargeability anomaly. This resistivity high could represent a felsic intrusion, as was observed in outcrop, and the chargeability high could indicate peripheral sulphidation, likely enhanced along the potential structure.
The 3D IP Survey has generated multiple drilling targets focusing on the chargeability anomalies within the West Craigmont Zone. The 3D IP Survey at MARB-CAS provided valuable information regarding the lithologies and appears to clearly delineate the contact between Nicola Group rocks and the Guichon Creek Batholith. The major chargeability anomalies are primarily confined within the Nicola Group rocks in the southern portion of the survey area, with some chargeability anomalies detected between the MARB and CAS MINFILE showings.
A total of 5,000 m of core drilling is planned for the 2024 exploration program. Drilling will primarily be focused on the West Craigmont Zone initially, with the possibility of also drilling at MARB/CAS later in the summer.