NTT Corporation and SKY Perfect JSAT Holdings Inc. announced that the parties have agreed to jointly work together with the goal of creating a new space enterprise to aid realization of a sustainable society, and accordingly concluded a business collaboration agreement on May 19, 2021. NTT, which has global computing network technology and is working on the implementation of IOWN, and SKY Perfect JSAT, which has abundant technology and achievements in the space business including satellite communication and satellite broadcasting for more than 30 years, will collaborate to build a new space infrastructure through innovation in a space integrated computing network, thereby helping to realize a sustainable society. NTT and SKY Perfect JSAT have proceeded with studies and discussions toward the realization of an ICT infrastructures in outer space, and have reached the conclusion of this business alliance agreement.

NTT, which has global terrestrial infrastructures and is dedicated to making the IOWN concept a reality, and SKY Perfect JSAT, which has abundant technology and achievements in the space business including satellite communication and satellite broadcasting for more than 30 years, will together take on the challenge of building a novel space integrated computing network to create the infrastructure needed for a sustainable society. The space integrated computing network is a novel infrastructure to be built by combining NTT's network/computing infrastructure and SKY Perfect JSAT's space assets/business. It integrates multiple orbits from the ground to HAPS floating at high altitude, Low Earth Orbits and Geostationary Orbits.

In addition, they are connected to the ground by an optical wireless communication networks to form a constellation, and distributed computing enhances various data processing. It also provides access to terrestrial mobile devices for ultra-wide service coverage.