Nissan Sales, Production & Exports Results for February 2023
1. Retail Sales by Region Retail Sales by Region (Historical monthly data)
Region February 2023 February 2022 Var. (%) April 2022 - February 2023 April 2021- February 2022 Var. (%) Region Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23
Registered Vehicles 25,286 26,794 -5.6% 230,936 228,390 1.1% Japan Reg. 15,840 16,629 20,291 23,040 20,893 25,013 17,060 21,767 18,338 22,725 26,794 38,274 17,522 15,954 19,906 24,457 20,162 25,233 18,632 22,176 20,167 21,441 25,286
Mini Vehicles 19,370 16,872 14.8% 163,205 135,680 20.3% Japan Mini. 12,499 13,167 11,106 9,929 9,809 17,347 16,008 14,384 6,105 8,454 16,872 26,067 10,481 11,025 14,531 16,166 13,170 17,268 14,315 14,766 14,323 17,790 19,370
Japan Total 44,656 43,666 2.3% 394,141 364,070 8.3% Japan Total 28,339 29,796 31,397 32,969 30,702 42,360 33,068 36,151 24,443 31,179 43,666 64,341 28,003 26,979 34,437 40,623 33,332 42,501 32,947 36,942 34,490 39,231 44,656
Nissan Brand 67,350 58,490 15.1% 615,679 766,365 -19.7% US Nissan 91,579 104,383 84,320 76,076 63,190 49,023 56,479 54,249 73,305 55,271 58,490 76,074 70,107 50,543 51,962 47,069 44,873 50,903 62,534 56,272 58,633 55,433 67,350
Infiniti Brand 5,029 2,999 67.7% 44,984 46,255 -2.7% US Infiniti 5,948 6,564 5,354 4,221 3,101 3,344 3,380 3,161 4,409 3,774 2,999 4,473 4,295 3,356 2,907 3,463 4,140 3,638 4,144 3,911 5,518 4,583 5,029
U.S. Total 72,379 61,489 17.7% 660,663 812,620 -18.7% US Total 97,527 110,947 89,674 80,297 66,291 52,367 59,859 57,410 77,714 59,045 61,489 80,547 74,402 53,899 54,869 50,532 49,013 54,541 66,678 60,183 64,151 60,016 72,379
Canada 6,110 6,437 -5.1% 64,321 85,325 -24.6% Canada 9,128 9,269 9,392 9,200 8,662 8,883 7,840 5,650 5,299 5,565 6,437 10,008 9,121 6,154 6,049 5,511 5,146 5,781 5,797 6,151 4,691 3,810 6,110
Mexico 19,551 15,194 28.7% 160,458 176,975 -9.3% Mexico 17,444 17,172 17,450 16,420 16,846 14,870 15,441 14,573 17,495 14,070 15,194 16,820 13,629 14,162 14,042 9,445 13,164 10,914 10,977 14,311 23,059 17,204 19,551
Europe 24,761 21,689 14.2% 256,091 307,538 -16.7% Europe 31,241 28,861 31,077 26,148 20,653 34,132 28,110 29,958 31,825 23,844 21,689 32,011 23,091 21,687 23,367 18,359 14,907 30,755 23,106 24,976 28,433 22,649 24,761
China*1 59,997 77,494 -22.6% 853,852 1,240,103 -31.1% China 128,297 111,096 114,605 95,783 113,166 104,443 113,876 114,073 133,803 133,467 77,494 87,902 69,262 68,844 109,051 100,203 99,570 92,071 88,868 47,983 70,482 47,521 59,997
Others 37,647 35,979 4.6% 423,761 497,956 -14.9% Others 46,636 41,469 45,849 46,252 45,286 48,214 48,035 49,688 49,772 40,776 35,979 44,306 36,747 39,217 39,089 41,467 39,890 37,985 37,311 36,727 39,581 38,100 37,647
Overseas Total 220,445 218,282 1.0% 2,419,146 3,120,517 -22.5% Overseas Total 330,273 318,814 308,047 274,100 270,904 262,909 273,161 271,352 315,908 276,767 218,282 271,594 226,252 203,963 246,467 225,517 221,690 232,047 232,737 190,331 230,397 189,300 220,445
Global Retail Sales 265,101 261,948 1.2% 2,813,287 3,484,587 -19.3% Global Total 358,612 348,610 339,444 307,069 301,606 305,269 306,229 307,503 340,351 307,946 261,948 335,935 254,255 230,942 280,904 266,140 255,022 274,548 265,684 227,273 264,887 228,531 265,101
2. Global Production by Country Global Production by Country (Historical monthly data)
Country February 2023 February 2022 Var. (%) April 2022 - February 2023 April 2021- February 2022 Var. (%) Region Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23
Japan 57,764 49,203 17.4% 531,712 407,188 30.6% Japan 53,409 15,064 35,586 37,411 37,404 37,388 30,294 39,821 29,662 41,946 49,203 38,648 30,093 26,799 46,990 52,022 44,829 54,843 58,441 56,613 58,887 44,431 57,764
U.S. 50,752 44,961 12.9% 494,755 394,078 25.5% US 34,538 34,369 34,549 21,915 23,173 36,490 47,609 48,536 33,888 34,050 44,961 61,793 38,779 36,539 36,243 34,382 59,506 55,877 55,914 41,146 39,560 46,057 50,752
Mexico 46,762 41,352 13.1% 378,408 448,197 -15.6% Mexico 39,166 43,214 44,564 38,838 46,952 30,541 53,893 41,504 31,368 36,805 41,352 26,366 34,298 37,771 33,426 23,508 35,202 27,712 28,997 31,720 33,775 45,237 46,762
U.K. 26,977 18,759 43.8% 229,360 160,085 43.3% UK 10,164 5,223 12,877 11,871 15,624 17,641 17,350 16,542 15,822 18,212 18,759 21,533 19,393 17,448 21,316 21,001 10,032 22,224 22,712 27,005 18,614 22,638 26,977
Spain 0 0 - 0 18,673 -100.0% Spain 2,560 2,610 2,774 1,285 629 2,247 2,860 2,741 967 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
China*1 76,048 88,124 -13.7% 847,514 1,220,452 -30.6% China 101,532 92,249 123,008 97,192 99,228 96,422 106,604 131,704 151,819 132,570 88,124 97,543 49,629 80,642 112,136 107,703 101,125 111,610 94,876 48,002 33,638 32,105 76,048
Others*2 42,431 33,038 28.4% 428,562 450,725 -4.9% Others 40,494 35,179 43,057 51,824 41,336 40,289 46,470 41,751 41,408 35,879 33,038 44,677 35,076 32,533 44,024 46,139 37,524 39,496 36,861 44,475 36,235 33,768 42,431
Overseas Total 242,970 226,234 7.4% 2,378,599 2,692,210 -11.6% Overseas Total 228,454 212,844 260,829 222,925 226,942 223,630 274,786 282,778 275,272 257,516 226,234 251,912 177,175 204,933 247,145 232,733 243,389 256,919 239,360 192,348 161,822 179,805 242,970
Global Production 300,734 275,437 9.2% 2,910,311 3,099,398 -6.1% Global Total 281,863 227,908 296,415 260,336 264,346 261,018 305,080 322,599 304,934 299,462 275,437 290,560 207,268 231,732 294,135 284,755 288,218 311,762 297,801 248,961 220,709 224,236 300,734
3. Vehicle Exports from Japan Vehicle Exports from Japan (Historical monthly data)
Destination February 2023 February 2022 Var. (%) April 2022 - February 2023 April 2021- February 2022 Var. (%) Region Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21 Nov-21 Dec-21 Jan-22 Feb-22 Mar-22 Apr-22 May-22 Jun-22 Jul-22 Aug-22 Sep-22 Oct-22 Nov-22 Dec-22 Jan-23 Feb-23
North America 13,454 13,894 -3.2% 161,793 124,773 29.7% North America 21,440 10,771 5,264 7,127 10,996 7,430 14,637 12,496 9,483 11,235 13,894 9,318 10,788 3,171 9,460 11,010 19,582 14,664 20,184 19,042 25,027 15,411 13,454
Europe 1,356 114 1089.5% 25,121 4,394 471.7% Europe 974 594 1,093 308 0 1,213 28 17 47 6 114 33 29 310 1,044 1,072 1,411 5,575 3,211 4,122 3,105 3,886 1,356
Middle East 4,673 3,718 25.7% 41,210 30,756 34.0% Middle East 3,624 2,292 4,751 4,615 2,361 2,468 1,439 914 2,059 2,515 3,718 5,380 3,190 1,286 3,233 4,102 3,128 4,684 4,411 3,126 6,073 3,304 4,673
Others 7,059 4,048 74.4% 56,313 50,968 10.5% Others 7,526 3,081 2,613 3,830 5,241 8,568 4,696 4,520 3,571 3,274 4,048 4,057 3,389 2,739 4,123 5,931 2,605 4,130 6,492 9,185 5,619 5,041 7,059
Total 26,542 21,774 21.9% 284,437 210,891 34.9% Total 33,564 16,738 13,721 15,880 18,598 19,679 20,800 17,947 15,160 17,030 21,774 18,788 17,396 7,506 17,860 22,115 26,726 29,053 34,298 35,475 39,824 27,642 26,542
*1 China sales and production include Dongfeng brand PV and LCV. DFAC (Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd.) is deconsolidated from October 2022. Excluding DFAC, China sales was -10.6% for February 2023, and -26.0% for April 2022-February 2023. On the same basis, China production was 0.9% for February 2023, and -24.8% for April 2022-February 2023.
*2 Others include production in Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, South Africa, Brazil, India, Egypt, Russia, France and Argentina excluding CKD production.
*3 The results provided are for your reference only. All figures are believed to be accurate by the Company at the time of issue. However, revisions may be made periodically without notice.





Japan Nissan Sales Results by Model : February 2023
Model February YTD (April - February)
Volume Var. (%) Volume Var. (%)
2023 2022 FY2022 FY2021
March 224 1,081 -79.3% 5,684 7,415 -23.3%
Note / Note AURA 10,709 9,788 9.4% 97,223 80,209 21.2%
Sylphy 2 2 0.0% 3 296 -99.0%
Teana 0 1 -100.0% 3 13 -76.9%
Skyline 110 244 -54.9% 1,394 1,951 -28.5%
Fuga 7 54 -87.0% 359 462 -22.3%
Cima 0 15 -100.0% 57 75 -24.0%
Leaf 1,254 1,558 -19.5% 11,036 10,405 6.1%
Juke 0 1 -100.0% 5 10 -50.0%
Ariya 186 27 588.9% 3,193 30 10543.3%
X-Trail 2,616 927 182.2% 19,040 9,075 109.8%
KICKS 1,120 2,855 -60.8% 11,490 26,258 -56.2%
Serena 4,539 5,981 -24.1% 46,847 48,435 -3.3%
Elgrand 212 289 -26.6% 1,756 2,803 -37.4%
Fairlady Z 98 2 4800.0% 651 346 88.2%
GT-R 2 118 -98.3% 415 557 -25.5%
Others 0 0 - 0 8 -100.0%
PV Total 21,079 22,943 -8.1% 199,156 188,348 5.7%
NV150 AD / AD 848 1,392 -39.1% 6,991 12,587 -44.5%
NV200 Vanette / Vanette 848 1,011 -16.1% 6,432 10,575 -39.2%
NV350 Caravan 2,362 1,336 76.8% 17,054 15,160 12.5%
NT450 Atlas 0 0 - 1 66 -98.5%
Atlas F24 / F25 90 70 28.6% 1,171 1,496 -21.7%
Paramedic 59 42 40.5% 131 109 20.2%
Civilian 0 0 - 0 49 -100.0%
CV Total 4,207 3,851 9.2% 31,780 40,042 -20.6%
Registered Vehicle Total 25,286 26,794 -5.6% 230,936 228,390 1.1%
DAYZ 2,181 6,374 -65.8% 29,420 44,705 -34.2%
DAYZ Roox 0 0 - 0 1 -100.0%
Roox 9,140 6,656 37.3% 69,792 58,030 20.3%
Sakura 4,109 0 - 30,209 0 -
NV100 / NT100 Clipper 3,940 3,842 2.6% 33,784 32,944 2.5%
Mini Total 19,370 16,872 14.8% 163,205 135,680 20.3%
Japan Grand Total 44,656 43,666 2.3% 394,141 364,070 8.3%
* The results provided are for your reference only. All figures are believed to be accurate by the Company at the time of issue. However, revisions may be made periodically without notice.
Europe Nissan Sales Results by Model : February 2023
Model February YTD (April - February)
Volume Var. (%) Volume Var. (%)
2023 2022 FY2022 FY2021
Micra 2,594 2,258 14.9% 30,052 30,664 -2.0%
Leaf 1,041 1,984 -47.5% 24,447 31,364 -22.1%
Sentra 530 21 2423.8% 2,993 1,638 82.7%
Teana / Altima 19 3 533.3% 85 192 -55.7%
Maxima 0 0 - 12 75 -84.0%
Juke 4,582 4,127 11.0% 41,312 55,325 -25.3%
Qashqai 11,106 7,932 40.0% 116,124 106,599 8.9%
Murano 0 198 -100.0% 215 2,362 -90.9%
Terrano 0 554 -100.0% 642 8,302 -92.3%
X-Trail 1,921 1,975 -2.7% 8,896 29,588 -69.9%
Pathfinder 0 107 -100.0% 64 135 -52.6%
Ariya 535 0 - 5,879 0 -
370Z 0 0 - 0 10 -100.0%
GT-R 0 0 - 36 140 -74.3%
Navara 0 611 -100.0% 677 15,511 -95.6%
Townstar 838 353 137.4% 7,760 542 1331.7%
Primaster 884 423 109.0% 8,219 6,940 18.4%
e-NV200 1 257 -99.6% 412 4,636 -91.1%
NV250 0 121 -100.0% 0 4,224 -100.0%
NV400 690 407 69.5% 7,415 6,482 14.4%
Others 0 0 - 112 52 115.4%
Nissan Brand Total 24,741 21,331 16.0% 255,352 304,781 -16.2%
Q50 0 1 -100.0% 0 45 -100.0%
Q60 Coupe 0 0 - 0 43 -100.0%
QX50 / QX55 13 269 -95.2% 570 1,520 -62.5%
QX60 5 0 - 17 213 -92.0%
QX80 2 88 -97.7% 152 936 -83.8%
Infiniti Brand Total 20 358 -94.4% 739 2,757 -73.2%
Europe Grand Total 24,761 21,689 14.2% 256,091 307,538 -16.7%
* The results provided are for your reference only. All figures are believed to be accurate by the Company at the time of issue. However, revisions may be made periodically without notice.
USA Nissan Sales Results by Model : February 2023
Model February YTD (April - February)
Volume Var. (%) Volume Var. (%)
2023 2022 FY2022 FY2021
Versa 457 510 -10.4% 12,189 40,322 -69.8%
Sentra 5,049 9,900 -49.0% 61,084 107,968 -43.4%
Altima 10,066 11,722 -14.1% 120,438 95,544 26.1%
Maxima 683 1,250 -45.4% 5,452 13,764 -60.4%
Z 151 0 - 537 8 6612.5%
GT-R 56 30 86.7% 78 221 -64.7%
Leaf 892 1,390 -35.8% 9,191 13,858 -33.7%
Total Cars 17,354 24,802 -30.0% 208,969 271,685 -23.1%
Frontier 4,725 7,694 -38.6% 63,360 64,757 -2.2%
Pathfinder 8,671 1,944 346.0% 64,137 35,860 78.9%
Kicks 3,042 7,198 -57.7% 40,781 70,793 -42.4%
Murano 4,059 3,091 31.3% 27,117 40,732 -33.4%
Rogue 22,264 5,978 272.4% 153,216 172,925 -11.4%
Rogue Sports 2,663 5,392 -50.6% 30,768 50,416 -39.0%
Armada 2,824 441 540.4% 14,581 16,504 -11.7%
Titan 1,020 1,908 -46.5% 10,517 23,445 -55.1%
Ariya 728 0 - 2,232 0 -
NVC 0 1 -100.0% 1 6,761 -100.0%
NVP 0 0 - 0 539 -100.0%
NV200 0 41 -100.0% 0 11,948 -100.0%
Total Trucks 49,996 33,688 48.4% 406,710 494,680 -17.8%
Nissan Brand Total 67,350 58,490 15.1% 615,679 766,365 -19.7%
Q50 376 821 -54.2% 3,026 11,212 -73.0%
Q60 Coupe 144 264 -45.5% 1,324 2,538 -47.8%
Q70 0 0 - 0 0 -
QX50 672 1,136 -40.8% 9,149 15,406 -40.6%
QX55 445 278 60.1% 4,973 4,895 1.6%
QX60 2,339 273 756.8% 18,575 3,369 451.4%
QX80 1,053 227 363.9% 7,937 8,835 -10.2%
Infiniti Brand Total 5,029 2,999 67.7% 44,984 46,255 -2.7%
USA Grand Total 72,379 61,489 17.7% 660,663 812,620 -18.7%
* The results provided are for your reference only. All figures are believed to be accurate by the Company at the time of issue. However, revisions may be made periodically without notice.
China Nissan Sales Results by Model : February 2023
Model February YTD (January - February)
Volume Var. (%) Volume Var. (%)
2023 2022 CY2023 CY2022
Tiida H/B 1,402 3,126 -55.2% 2,078 6,721 -69.1%
Sylphy 26,102 28,519 -8.5% 49,609 78,501 -36.8%
Sylphy EV 0 0 - 0 0 -
Lannia 2 0 - 2 0 -
Teana / Altima 7,103 10,268 -30.8% 11,604 29,007 -60.0%
Maxima 0 0 - 0 0 -
Kicks 382 1,061 -64.0% 644 2,744 -76.5%
Qashqai 9,704 9,743 -0.4% 17,010 30,229 -43.7%
X-Trail 4,523 2,416 87.2% 8,299 6,982 18.9%
Murano 422 464 -9.1% 680 1,335 -49.1%
Navara 576 313 84.0% 576 791 -27.2%
Ariya 64 0 - 64 0 -
Terra 540 852 -36.6% 853 2,264 -62.3%
Nissan Brand Total 50,820 56,762 -10.5% 91,737 158,574 -42.1%
Q50 436 117 272.6% 731 434 68.4%
Q60 Coupe 0 0 - 0 0 -
Q70 0 0 - 0 0 -
QX30 0 0 - 0 0 -
QX50 / QX55 147 255 -42.4% 253 849 -70.2%
QX60 47 105 -55.2% 107 501 -78.6%
Infiniti Brand Total 630 477 32.1% 1,091 1,784 -38.8%
D60 517 1,097 -52.9% 853 3,239 -73.7%
D60 EV 2,039 2,272 -10.3% 3,445 4,660 -26.1%
e30 EV 0 0 - 0 0 -
T60 303 596 -49.2% 482 1,502 -67.9%
T60 EV 411 1 41000.0% 413 1 41200.0%
T80 273 390 -30.0% 531 952 -44.2%
T90 0 19 -100.0% 0 23 -100.0%
V-online 2,460 3,041 -19.1% 4,885 7,047 -30.7%
Venucia Brand Total 6,003 7,416 -19.1% 10,609 17,424 -39.1%
DF Brand vehicles*1 2,544 12,839 -80.2% 4,081 33,179 -87.7%
China Grand Total 59,997 77,494 -22.6% 107,518 210,961 -49.0%
*1 DFAC (Dongfeng Automobile Co., Ltd.) is deconsolidated from October 2022.
The results provided are for your reference only. All figures are believed to be accurate by the Company at the time of issue. However, revisions may be made periodically without notice.


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Nissan Motor Co. Ltd. published this content on 27 March 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 30 March 2023 07:30:01 UTC.