Nova Pacific Metals Corp. announced that it has received results from a recent Mobile Metal Ion orientation survey at the Lara volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit located 15 km west of the port of Chemainus, British Columbia, Canada. The Lara Property comprises 4 mineral claims (approximately 1848.1 ha) and is road accessible year-round via a network of logging roads throughout the claims. MMI Soil Sampling: MMI is an innovative, high-resolution soil geochemistry exploration tool that is especially well-suited for deeply buried mineral deposits.

The advantages of MMI soil geochemistry include the definition of sharp anomalies with few false anomalies, repeatability, defined metal zones and associations and low noise and limits of detection. MMI orientation sampling was carried out on a small grid over known mineralization, namely the Coronation Zone, within the Lara Property. The mineralization is defined as a Kuroko style of massive zinc-lead-copper sulphides containing significant values of gold and silver.

The purpose of the survey was to test the effectiveness of this technique in responding to this type of mineralization for future exploration on the Lara Property. The sampling was carried out along four survey lines with a 100-meter separation and a sampling interval of 25 meters. Each line was 500 meters long for a total survey length of 2,000 meters.

This resulted in 84 samples which were taken into the laboratory at SGS Canada located in Burnaby, BC, with the testing including a 53-element MMI-M package. These results have now been received and colour contour plan maps were then created for 15 of the elements, five of which namely silver, gold, copper, nickel, zinc, and lead. The main feature of the MMI survey results is a strong multi-element anomaly that strikes easterly for 125 meters and then southerly for 200 meters with it being open to the west and to the south.

Importantly, the anomaly correlates well with the massive sulphide mineralization of the Coronation Zone and thus MMI soil sampling appears to be an effective exploration tool on the Lara property.