Nurosene Health Inc. announced approval from Health Canada to sell Nuro Drive ("Drive") and Nuro Restore ("Restore"), its proprietary nutraceutical products, in the Canadian market. Nurosene's products are currently available for sale in the United States via the Company's e-commerce website. Nurosene previously submitted requests to Health Canada earlier this year for Licensed Natural Product Numbers and have received approvals for both Drive and Restore. In order to sell products via both retail channels and direct to consumers in the Canadian market, a Licensed Natural Product Number is required. Importantly, Licensed Natural Products have been assessed by Health Canada and classified as high quality, safe, and effective under their recommended conditions of use. Nurosene's supplements are unique, research-backed and designed to help tackle the complexities that life hands you, further supporting consumers' optimal performance levels. Both Drive and Restore products were designed by Co-Founder Daniel Gallucci, who has spent the last few decades validating them in clinics.