Founded in 1993 by Jensen Huang, Chris Malachowsky and Curtis Priem, the company is best known for its graphics processing units (GPUs), which are widely used in video games, digital content creation and scientific research.
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NVIDIA Corporation is the world leader in the design, development, and marketing of programmable graphics processors. The group also develops associated software. Net sales break down by family of products as follows:
- computing and networking solutions (77.8%): data center platforms and infrastructure, Ethernet interconnect solutions, high-performance computing solutions, platforms and solutions for autonomous and intelligent vehicles, solutions for enterprise artificial intelligence infrastructure, crypto-currency mining processors, embedded computer boards for robotics, teaching, learning and artificial intelligence development, etc.;
- graphics processors (22.2%): for PCs, game consoles, video game streaming platforms, workstations, etc. (GeForce, NVIDIA RTX, Quadro brands, etc.). The group also offers laptops, desktops, gaming computers, computer peripherals (monitors, mice, joysticks, remote controls, etc.), software for visual and virtual computing, platforms for automotive infotainment systems and cloud collaboration platforms.
Net sales break down by industry between data storage (78%), gaming (17.1%), professional visualization (2.5%), automotive (1.8%) and other (0.6%).
Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: the United States (44.3%), Taiwan (22%), China (16.9%) and other (16.8%).