Business description: Oasis Midstream Partners LP

Oasis Midstream Partners LP is a master limited partnership company. The Company owns, develops, operates and acquires a diversified portfolio of midstream assets in North America that are integral to the oil and natural gas operations exclusively within the Williston Basin. The Company's midstream operations are performed within the Williston Basin and the Delaware Basin. The Company's midstream services include gas gathering, compression, processing, gas lift supply and natural gas liquids (NGLs) storage services; crude oil gathering, terminaling and transportation services; produced and flowback water gathering and disposal services, and freshwater supply and distribution services. The Company's subsidiaries include Bighorn DevCo LLC, Bobcat DevCo LLC, Beartooth DevCo LLC and Panther DevCo LLC.

Sales by Activity: Oasis Midstream Partners LP

Fiscal Period: December201820192020

Oil & Gas - Integrated

272M 410M 348M
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Company details: Oasis Midstream Partners LP

Oasis Midstream Partners LP

1001 Fannin Street Suite 1500

77002, Houston

address Oasis Midstream Partners LP(OMP)

Other Oil Related Services and Equipment

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
-0.78%+3.96%-12.57%+6.23% 58.49B
+0.54%+0.43%+60.83%+62.58% 45.94B
-0.46%+3.85%-23.51%-19.16% 22.71B
+0.26%-1.43%+57.88%+356.54% 12.92B
-2.45%-0.51%-10.07%-7.00% 6.05B
-1.01%+3.15%+2.22%+36.17% 5.62B
-1.01%-1.75%+24.37%+33.22% 5.51B
-4.59%+5.52%-27.62%+108.57% 5.14B
+0.22%-1.25%+69.93%+231.69% 4.84B
Average -1.03%+1.33%+15.72%+89.87% 18.58B
Weighted average by Cap. -0.46%+2.08%+15.29%+56.41%
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