Occidental Petroleum Corporation
2024 CDP Corporate Questionnaire 2024
Word version
Important: this export excludes unanswered questions
This document is an export of your organization's CDP questionnaire response. It contains all data points for questions that are answered or in progress. There may be questions or data points that you have been requested to provide, which are missing from this document because they are currently unanswered. Please note that it is your responsibility to verify that your questionnaire response is complete prior to submission. CDP will not be liable for any failure to do so.
Terms of disclosure for corporate questionnaire 2024 - CDP
09/25/2024, 10:31 pm
(1.6) | Does your organization have an ISIN code or another unique identifier (e.g., Ticker, CUSIP, etc.)? | 10 |
(1.8) | Are you able to provide geolocation data for your facilities? | 12 |
(1.24) Has your organization mapped its value chain? | 12 | |
(1.24.1) Have you mapped where in your direct operations or elsewhere in your value chain plastics are produced, commercialized, used, and/or disposed of? | 13 |
C2. Identification, assessment, and management of dependencies, impacts, risks, and opportunities | 15 | |
(2.1) | How does your organization define short-,medium-, and long-term time horizons in relation to the identification, assessment, and management of your environmental | |
dependencies, impacts, risks, and opportunities? | 15 | |
(2.2) | Does your organization have a process for identifying, assessing, and managing environmental dependencies and/or impacts? | 17 |
(2.2.1) Does your organization have a process for identifying, assessing, and managing environmental risks and/or opportunities? | 17 | |
(2.2.2) Provide details of your organization's process for identifying, assessing, and managing environmental dependencies, impacts, risks, and/or opportunities | 17 | |
(2.2.7) Are the interconnections between environmental dependencies, impacts, risks and/or opportunities assessed? | 22 | |
(2.3) | Have you identified priority locations across your value chain? | 23 |
(2.4) | How does your organization define substantive effects on your organization? | 24 |
(2.5) | Does your organization identify and classify potential water pollutants associated with its activities that could have a detrimental impact on water ecosystems or |
human health? | 26 |
(2.5.1) Describe how your organization minimizes the adverse impacts of potential water pollutants on water ecosystems or human health associated with your activities.
.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. | 27 |
C3. Disclosure of risks and opportunities | 29 |
(3.1) Have you identified any environmental risks which have had a substantive effect on your organization in the reporting year, or are anticipated to have a substantive |
effect on your organization in the future? | 29 |
(3.1.1) Provide details of the environmental risks identified which have had a substantive effect on your organization in the reporting year, or are anticipated to have a |
substantive effect on your organization in the future | 30 |
(3.1.2) Provide the amount and proportion of your financial metrics from the reporting year that are vulnerable to the substantive effects of environmental risks | 44 |
(3.3) | In the reporting year, was your organization subject to any fines, enforcement orders, and/or other penalties for water-related regulatory violations? | 45 |
(3.3.1) Provide the total number and financial value of all water-related fines | 46 | |
(3.6) | Have you identified any environmental opportunities which have had a substantive effect on your organization in the reporting year, or are anticipated to have a |
substantive effect on your organization in the future? | 47 |
(3.6.1) Provide details of the environmental opportunities identified which have had a substantive effect on your organization in the reporting year, or are anticipated to
have a substantive effect on your organization in the future | 47 |
(3.6.2) Provide the amount and proportion of your financial metrics in the reporting year that are aligned with the substantive effects of environmental opportunities | 53 |
C4. Governance | 56 |
(4.1) Does your organization have a board of directors or an equivalent governing body? | 56 |
(4.1.1) Is there board-level oversight of environmental issues within your organization? | 57 |
(4.1.2) Identify the positions (do not include any names) of the individuals or committees on the board with accountability for environmental issues and provide details of |
| |
the board's oversight of environmental issues | 57 | |
(4.2) | Does your organization's board have competency on environmental issues? | 61 |
(4.3) | Is there management-level responsibility for environmental issues within your organization? | 62 |
(4.3.1) Provide the highest senior management-level positions or committees with responsibility for environmental issues (do not include the names of individuals) | 63 | |
(4.5) | Do you provide monetary incentives for the management of environmental issues, including the attainment of targets? | 67 |
(4.5.1) Provide further details on the monetary incentives provided for the management of environmental issues (do not include the names of individuals) | 68 | |
(4.6) | Does your organization have an environmental policy that addresses environmental issues? | 75 |
(4.6.1) Provide details of your environmental policies | 75 | |
(4.10) Are you a signatory or member of any environmental collaborative frameworks or initiatives? | 78 |
(4.11) In the reporting year, did your organization engage in activities that could directly or indirectly influence policy, law, or regulation that may (positively or negatively)
impact the environment? | 79 |
(4.11.1) On what policies, laws, or regulations that may (positively or negatively) impact the environment has your organization been engaging directly with policy makers in
the reporting year? | 81 |
(4.11.2) Provide details of your indirect engagement on policy, law, or regulation that may (positively or negatively) impact the environment through trade associations or
other intermediary organizations or individuals in the reporting year | 88 |
(4.12.1) Provide details on the information published about your organization's response to environmental issues for this reporting year in places other than your CDP |
response. Please attach the publication | 100 |
C5. Business strategy | 103 |
(5.1) Does your organization use scenario analysis to identify environmental outcomes? | 103 |
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(5.1.1) Provide details of the scenarios used in your organization's scenario analysis. | 103 | |
(5.1.2) Provide details of the outcomes of your organization's scenario analysis | 112 | |
(5.2) | Does your organization's strategy include a climate transition plan? | 114 |
(5.3) | Have environmental risks and opportunities affected your strategy and/or financial planning? | 117 |
(5.3.1) Describe where and how environmental risks and opportunities have affected your strategy | 118 | |
(5.3.2) Describe where and how environmental risks and opportunities have affected your financial planning | 121 | |
(5.4) | In your organization's financial accounting, do you identify spending/revenue that is aligned with your organization's climate transition? | 122 |
(5.4.1) Quantify the amount and percentage share of your spending/revenue that is aligned with your organization's climate transition | 122 | |
(5.5) | Does your organization invest in research and development (R&D) of low-carbon products or services related to your sector activities? | 124 |
(5.5.7) Provide details of your organization's investments in low-carbon R&D for your sector activities over the last three years | 124 | |
(5.6) | Break down, by fossil fuel expansion activity, your organization's CAPEX in the reporting year and CAPEX planned over the next 5 years | 128 |
(5.9) | What is the trend in your organization's water-related capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operating expenditure (OPEX) for the reporting year, and the anticipated trend | |
for the next reporting year? | 130 | |
(5.10) Does your organization use an internal price on environmental externalities? | 131 | |
(5.10.1) Provide details of your organization's internal price on carbon | 131 | |
(5.11) Do you engage with your value chain on environmental issues? | 134 | |
(5.11.1) Does your organization assess and classify suppliers according to their dependencies and/or impacts on the environment? | 134 | |
(5.11.2) Does your organization prioritize which suppliers to engage with on environmental issues? | 136 | |
(5.11.5) Do your suppliers have to meet environmental requirements as part of your organization's purchasing process? | 138 |
(5.11.6) Provide details of the environmental requirements that suppliers have to meet as part of your organization's purchasing process, and the compliance measures in
place | 139 |
(5.11.7) Provide further details of your organization's supplier engagement on environmental issues | 142 |
(5.11.9) Provide details of any environmental engagement activity with other stakeholders in the value chain | 146 |
C6. Environmental Performance - Consolidation Approach | 153 |
(6.1) Provide details on your chosen consolidation approach for the calculation of environmental performance data | 153 |
C7. Environmental performance - Climate Change | 154 |
(7.1.1) Has your organization undergone any structural changes in the reporting year, or are any previous structural changes being accounted for in this disclosure of |
emissions data? | 154 |
(7.1.2) Has your emissions accounting methodology, boundary, and/or reporting year definition changed in the reporting year? | 154 |
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(7.3) Describe your organization's approach to reporting Scope 2 emissions | 154 | |
(7.5) Provide your base year and base year emissions | 155 | |
(7.6) What were your organization's gross global Scope 1 emissions in metric tons CO2e? | 164 | |
(7.7) What were your organization's gross global Scope 2 emissions in metric tons CO2e? | 167 | |
(7.8) Account for your organization's gross global Scope 3 emissions, disclosing and explaining any exclusions | 171 | |
(7.8.1) Disclose or restate your Scope 3 emissions data for previous years | 178 | |
(7.9) Indicate the verification/assurance status that applies to your reported emissions | 180 | |
(7.9.1) Provide further details of the verification/assurance undertaken for your Scope 1 emissions, and attach the relevant statements | 180 | |
(7.9.2) Provide further details of the verification/assurance undertaken for your Scope 2 emissions and attach the relevant statements | 182 | |
(7.9.3) Provide further details of the verification/assurance undertaken for your Scope 3 emissions and attach the relevant statements | 183 | |
(7.10.1) Identify the reasons for any change in your gross global emissions (Scope 1 and 2 combined), and for each of them specify how your emissions compare to the |
| |
previous year | 184 | |
(7.15.1) Break down your total gross global Scope 1 emissions by greenhouse gas type and provide the source of each used global warming potential (GWP) | 185 | |
(7.15.4) Break down your total gross global Scope 1 emissions from oil and gas value chain production activities by greenhouse gas type | 187 | |
(7.16) | Break down your total gross global Scope 1 and 2 emissions by country/area | 190 |
(7.17.1) Break down your total gross global Scope 1 emissions by business division | 191 | |
(7.19) | Break down your organization's total gross global Scope 1 emissions by sector production activity in metric tons CO2e | 191 |
(7.20.1) Break down your total gross global Scope 2 emissions by business division | 192 | |
(7.21) | Break down your organization's total gross global Scope 2 emissions by sector production activity in metric tons CO2e | 192 |
(7.22) | Break down your gross Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions between your consolidated accounting group and other entities included in your response | 193 |
(7.23.1) Break down your gross Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by subsidiary | 194 | |
(7.24) | Report your methane emissions as percentages of natural gas and hydrocarbon production or throughput | 196 |
(7.27) | What are the challenges in allocating emissions to different customers, and what would help you to overcome these challenges? | 197 |
(7.28) | Do you plan to develop your capabilities to allocate emissions to your customers in the future? | 197 |
(7.30) | Select which energy-related activities your organization has undertaken | 198 |
(7.30.1) Report your organization's energy consumption totals (excluding feedstocks) in MWh | 199 | |
(7.30.6) Select the applications of your organization's consumption of fuel | 202 | |
(7.30.7) State how much fuel in MWh your organization has consumed (excluding feedstocks) by fuel type | 202 | |
(7.30.9) Provide details on the electricity, heat, steam, and cooling your organization has generated and consumed in the reporting year | 210 | |
| 4 |
(7.30.16) Provide a breakdown by country/area of your electricity/heat/steam/cooling consumption in the reporting year | 212 |
(7.38) Disclose your net liquid and gas hydrocarbon production (total of subsidiaries and equity-accounted entities) | 216 |
(7.38.2) Disclose your estimated total net reserves and resource base (million boe), including the total associated with subsidiaries and equity-accounted entities | 216 |
(7.38.3) Provide an indicative percentage split for 2P, 3P reserves, and total resource base by hydrocarbon categories | 217 |
(7.38.4) Provide an indicative percentage split for production, 1P, 2P, 3P reserves, and total resource base by development types | 219 |
(7.45) Describe your gross global combined Scope 1 and 2 emissions for the reporting year in metric tons CO2e per unit currency total revenue and provide any additional
intensity metrics that are appropriate to your business operations | 221 |
(7.48) Provide the intensity figures for Scope 1 emissions (metric tons CO2e) per unit of hydrocarbon category | 224 |
(7.52) Provide any additional climate-related metrics relevant to your business | 225 |
(7.53.1) Provide details of your absolute emissions targets and progress made against those targets | 228 |
(7.53.2) Provide details of your emissions intensity targets and progress made against those targets | 248 |
(7.54.2) Provide details of any other climate-related targets, including methane reduction targets | 256 |
(7.54.3) Provide details of your net-zero target(s) | 263 |
(7.55.1) Identify the total number of initiatives at each stage of development, and for those in the implementation stages, the estimated CO2e savings | 266 |
(7.55.2) Provide details on the initiatives implemented in the reporting year in the table below | 267 |
(7.55.3) What methods do you use to drive investment in emissions reduction activities? | 272 |
(7.66.1) Provide, in metric tons CO2, gross masses of CO2 transferred in and out of the reporting organization (as defined by the consolidation basis) | 275 |
(7.66.2) Provide gross masses of CO2 injected and stored for the purposes of CCS during the reporting year according to the injection and storage pathway | 276 |
(7.74.1) Provide details of your products and/or services that you classify as low-carbon products | 277 |
(7.79.1) Provide details of the project-based carbon credits canceled by your organization in the reporting year | 281 |
C9. Environmental performance - Water security | 288 |
(9.1.1) Provide details on these exclusions | 288 |
(9.2) Across all your operations, what proportion of the following water aspects are regularly measured and monitored? | 289 |
(9.2.2) What are the total volumes of water withdrawn, discharged, and consumed across all your operations, how do they compare to the previous reporting year, and how
are they forecasted to change? | 297 |
(9.2.3) In your oil & gas sector operations, what are the total volumes of water withdrawn, discharged, and consumed (by business division), how do they compare to the
previous reporting year, and how are they forecasted to change? | 300 |
(9.2.4) Indicate whether water is withdrawn from areas with water stress, provide the volume, how it compares with the previous reporting year, and how it is forecasted to
change. | ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 307 |
| 5 |
(9.2.7) Provide total water withdrawal data by source | 309 |
(9.2.8) Provide total water discharge data by destination | 313 |
(9.2.9) Within your direct operations, indicate the highest level(s) to which you treat your discharge | 316 |
(9.2.10) Provide details of your organization's emissions of nitrates, phosphates, pesticides, and other priority substances to water in the reporting year | 321 |
(9.3) In your direct operations and upstream value chain, what is the number of facilities where you have identified substantive water-related dependencies, impacts, risks,
and opportunities? | 321 | |
(9.5) Provide a figure for your organization's total water withdrawal efficiency | 323 | |
(9.11.1) Provide water intensity information associated with your activities in the oil & gas sector | 323 | |
(9.12) | Provide any available water intensity values for your organization's products or services | 325 |
(9.13) | Do any of your products contain substances classified as hazardous by a regulatory authority? | 325 |
(9.13.1) What percentage of your company's revenue is associated with products containing substances classified as hazardous by a regulatory authority? | 325 | |
(9.14) | Do you classify any of your current products and/or services as low water impact? | 326 |
(9.15.1) Indicate whether you have targets relating to water pollution, water withdrawals, WASH, or other water-related categories | 326 | |
(9.15.2) Provide details of your water-related targets and the progress made | 328 |
C10. Environmental performance - Plastics | 333 | |
(10.1) | Do you have plastics-related targets, and if so what type? | 333 |
(10.2) | Indicate whether your organization engages in the following activities | 333 |
(10.3) | Provide the total weight of plastic polymers sold and indicate the raw material content | 336 |
(10.5) | Provide the total weight of plastic packaging sold and/or used and indicate the raw material content | 336 |
(10.5.1) Indicate the circularity potential of the plastic packaging you sold and/or used | 337 | |
(10.6) | Provide the total weight of waste generated by the plastic you produce, commercialize, use and/or process and indicate the end-of-life management pathways. ... | 337 |
C11. Environmental performance - Biodiversity | 338 | |
(11.2) | What actions has your organization taken in the reporting year to progress your biodiversity-related commitments? | 338 |
(11.3) | Does your organization use biodiversity indicators to monitor performance across its activities? | 338 |
(11.4) | Does your organization have activities located in or near to areas important for biodiversity in the reporting year? | 339 |
(11.4.1) Provide details of your organization's activities in the reporting year located in or near to areas important for biodiversity. | ............................................................. 340 |
C13. Further information & sign off | 342 |
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(13.1) | Indicate if any environmental information included in your CDP response (not already reported in 7.9.1/2/3, 8.9.1/2/3/4, and 9.3.2) is verified and/or assured by a |
third party? | 342 | |
(13.1.1) Which data points within your CDP response are verified and/or assured by a third party, and which standards were used? | 342 | |
(13.3) | Provide the following information for the person that has signed off (approved) your CDP response | 343 |
C1. Introduction
(1.3) Provide an overview and introduction to your organization.
(1.3.2) Organization type
Select from:
- Publicly traded organization
(1.3.3) Description of organization
Oxy's principal businesses consist of three segments: oil and gas, chemical and midstream and marketing. The oil and gas segment explores for, develops and produces oil, NGL and natural gas. The chemical segment (Occidental Chemical Corporation or OxyChem) primarily manufactures and markets basic chemicals and vinyls. The midstream and marketing segment purchases, markets, gathers, processes, transports and stores oil, NGL, natural gas, CO2 and power. Within our midstream and marketing segment, Oxy Low Carbon Ventures (OLCV) seeks to leverage our legacy of carbon management expertise to develop CCUS projects, including the commercialization of DAC, invest in other low-carbon technologies intended to reduce GHG emissions from our operations and strategically partner with other industries to help reduce their emissions. We conduct operations internationally, with assets primarily in the United States, the Middle East and North Africa. This report contains forward-looking statements based on management's current expectations relating to Oxy's operations, strategies, outlook and business prospects. You should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date of this report. Actual outcomes or results may differ from anticipated results, sometimes materially, and reported results should not be considered an indication of future performance. In addition, historical, current and forward-lookingsustainability-related statements may be based on standards for measuring progress that are still developing, internal controls and processes that continue to evolve and definitions, assumptions, data sources and estimates or measurements that are subject to change in the future, including future rulemaking. Factors that could cause results to differ from those projected or assumed in any forward-looking statement can be found on our website at www.oxy.com, as well as the factors set forth in Part I, Item 1A "Risk Factors" of Oxy's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023 and in Oxy's other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Unless legally required, Oxy does not undertake any obligation to update, modify or withdraw any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. Targets and expected timing to achieve targets and strategies are subject to change without notice due to a number of factors. Inclusion of information in this report does not necessarily indicate such information is material to an investor in our securities.
[Fixed row]
(1.4) State the end date of the year for which you are reporting data. For emissions data, indicate whether you will be providing emissions data for past reporting years.
(1.4.1) End date of reporting year
(1.4.2) Alignment of this reporting period with your financial reporting period
Select from:
- Yes
(1.4.3) Indicate if you are providing emissions data for past reporting years
Select from:
- Yes
(1.4.4) Number of past reporting years you will be providing Scope 1 emissions data for
Select from:
- 4 years
(1.4.5) Number of past reporting years you will be providing Scope 2 emissions data for
Select from:
- 4 years
(1.4.6) Number of past reporting years you will be providing Scope 3 emissions data for
Select from:
- 4 years [Fixed row]
(1.5) Provide details on your reporting boundary.
(1.5.1) Is your reporting boundary for your CDP disclosure the same as that used in your financial statements?
Select from:
- No
- Original document
- Permalink
OXY - Occidental Petroleum Corporation published this content on October 17, 2024, and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on October 17, 2024 at 20:28:23.880.