
Old Mutual's Half-Year Results Show Progress On Key Targets

August 31, 2022

LONDON (S&P Global Ratings) Aug. 31, 2022--S&P Global Ratings said today that stronger sales and better investment and mortality trends helped Old Mutual Ltd. (OML) improve its performance in the first half of 2022. The results are in line with our previous expectations that the South Africa-based insurer's revenues would increase as governments eased lockdown restrictions, and that COVID-19 related claims would taper as Omicron proved less severe than previous strains. OML's results also benefited from management's focus on operating efficiencies with value-of-new-business margins of 2.2% and more than South African rand (ZAR) 500 million of cost savings. Sustaining the momentum for expense initiatives and repricing will be key, in our opinion, as macroeconomic pressures--such as unemployment and inflation--may challenge top-line growth and therefore profitability. At half-year 2022, OML's reported adjusted headline earnings, barring Nedbank, were up 19% year-on-year to ZAR2.7 billion.

Capital strength, a credit supportive factor for OML, remained sound with solvency ratios within target ranges, although group equity had fallen slightly to ZAR87.4 billion from ZAR91.9 billion for the full year 2021. Managing the asset risk and volatility from investment markets will be important for maintaining the balance sheet strength, in our view.

This report does not constitute a rating action.


Simran K Parmar


+ 44 20 7176 3579




Tatiana Grineva


+ 44 20 7176 7061



Trevor Barsdorf

Johannesburg + 27 11 214 4852




August 31, 2022 1

Bulletin: Old Mutual's Half-Year Results Show Progress On Key Targets

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August 31, 2022 2


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Old Mutual Ltd. published this content on 31 August 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 01 September 2022 08:40:05 UTC.