Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Omnicom Group., Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Omnicom Group., Inc.

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Omnicom Group., Inc.

Horizon Healthcare Services, Inc.

Managed Health Care

Omnicom Europe Ltd.

Financial Conglomerates

Franklin Ltd. Duration Income Trust

Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds

Franklin Universal Trust

Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds

Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts, Inc.


Hearts & Science LLC

Advertising/Marketing Services

The Advertising Council, Inc.

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Pacific Council on International Policy

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

New York State Bar Association

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Miscellaneous Commercial Services5
Integrated Oil2
Electric Utilities2
Advertising/Marketing Services2
Hotels/Resorts/Cruise lines2
Financial Conglomerates2
Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds2

Countries of related companies

United States38
United Kingdom2
Logo Omnicom Group., Inc.
Omnicom Group, Inc. is a holding company organized around 7 areas of activity: - advertising services (53.7% of revenues). In addition, the group offers media consulting services and is developing an advertising space purchasing business; - public relations services (10.7%); - digital marketing, direct marketing and digital transformation services (10%); - advertising and communication services for the health and pharmaceutical sectors (9.4%); - field marketing services and development of merchandising solutions (6%); - commercial marketing and brand strategy consulting services (5.8%); - experiential marketing services (4.4%). Net sales break down by market between pharmaceutical and healthcare (15%), food and beverage (14%), technology (11%), automotive (10%), consumer goods (8%), financial services (7%), travel and entertainment (7%), retail (7%), telecommunications (5%) and other (16%). Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: North America (54.2%), Europe (29%), Asia/Pacific (12.1%), Latin America (2.6%), Middle East and Africa (2.1%).
More about the company