Business description: OMV Petrom S.A.

OMV Petrom S.A. is one of the Romanian largest oil and gas groups. Net sales break down geographically as follows:

- oil refining and distribution (73.9%): 4.3 Mt of crude oil refined and 5.3 Mt of oil products sold in 2021. At the end of 2021, the group operated a network of 787 service stations located in Romania (561), Bulgaria (94), Moldova (69) and Serbia (63);

- gas refining and distribution (25.4%): 4.5 billion cubic meter sold. OMV Petrom S.A. also develops an activity of electricity distribution;

- exploration and production of hydrocarbons (0.6%): crude oil (23.1 million barrels produced) and natural gas (3.7 billion m3 produced);

- other (0.1%).

Net sales break down geographically as follows: Romania (83.2%), Europe (16.7%) and other (0.1%).

Number of employees: 10,545

Sales by Activity: OMV Petrom S.A.

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023

Refining and Marketing

18.35B 13.66B 19.26B 31.37B 26.94B

Exploration and Production

9.54B 6.16B 9.23B 16.27B 12.39B

Gas and Power

6.98B 6.07B 6.88B 30.41B 12.18B

Corporate and Other

230M 227M 204M 211M 229M


-9.49B -6.26B -9.41B - -

Intersegmental Sales

-117M -134M -151M -16.91B -12.93B
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: OMV Petrom S.A.

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023


21.57B 17.07B 21.65B 49.85B 32.92B

Rest of CEE (Central Eastern Europe)

2B 1.32B 2.39B 8.35B 5.83B

Rest of Europe

41.66M - 10.88M 242M 59.02M


1.85B 1.3B 1.94B 2.9B -

Rest of World

29.07M 22.94M 18.64M - -
See all geographic segments

Managers: OMV Petrom S.A.

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 53 2018-05-19
Director of Finance/CFO 47 2019-04-16
Investor Relations Contact - 2016-04-30
Corporate Officer/Principal 53 2023-04-16
Sales & Marketing 77 2018-09-30
See OMV PETROM S.A. governance

Members of the board: OMV Petrom S.A.

Manager TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 69 2016-10-31
Director/Board Member 48 2021-04-27
Director/Board Member 47 2021-04-27
Director/Board Member 55 2021-07-31
Chairman 59 2021-08-31
Director/Board Member 59 2016-07-31
Director/Board Member 53 2022-12-31
Director/Board Member 51 2023-03-16
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: OMV Petrom S.A.

51.16 %
31,876,679,783 51.16 % 4 854 M lei
Government of Romania
20.7 %
12,897,296,810 20.7 % 1 964 M lei
Goldman Sachs Asset Management BV (CZ)
0.3763 %
234,500,000 0.3763 % 36 M lei
SIF Transilvania SA (Invt Mgmt)
0.3207 %
199,842,648 0.3207 % 30 M lei
BT Asset Management SAI SA
0.2797 %
174,260,228 0.2797 % 27 M lei
List of OMV PETROM S.A. shareholders

Company details: OMV Petrom S.A.

OMV Petrom SA

Petrom City 22 Coralilor Street, Sector 1

013329, Bucharest

+40 37 216 1930
address OMV Petrom S.A.(SNP)

Group companies: OMV Petrom S.A.

NameCategory and Sector
Specialty Stores
OMV Petrom Gas SRL
Gas Distributors
See all subsidiaries

Other Oil & Gas Refining and Marketing

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
-0.27%+0.53%+27.76%+62.70% 9.84B
+0.73%-0.28%+6.70%+34.81% 471B
+0.09%-3.90%-17.83%+4.10% 178B
-0.46%+0.69%+6.62%+4.07% 94.42B
-0.09%+7.01%-2.71%+15.71% 91.13B
+0.40%+3.91%-13.52%+34.70% 51.85B
+3.27%+1.42%-9.29%+89.79% 48.69B
+0.06%-2.46%-7.47%+42.38% 41.47B
-0.98%+4.45%+25.36%+73.85% 35.69B
-1.89%-7.39%-14.26%+38.69% 34.09B
Average -0.30%+0.50%+0.13%+40.08% 105.61B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.11%-0.14%-0.39%+29.76%
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