163,649,486 Ordinary Shares of UUV Aquabotix Ltd are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 19-SEP-2023.
The Company anticipates that the following Securities will be subject to escrow:
101,350,514 Consideration Shares to be issued to the Proposed Director Vendors for 24 months from the date of re-admission to the Official List of ASX;
163,649,486 Consideration Shares to be issued to the non-Proposed Director Vendors for 12 months from the date of issue;
60,000,000 Performance Rights to be issued to the board, management, consultant and employees of MBD for 24 months from the date of readmission to the Official List of ASX;
12,5000,000 Options to be issued to holders of convertible notes in MBD for 12 months from the date of issue; and
Up to 25,000,000 Options to be issued to the Lead Manager for 24 months from the date of re-admission to the Official List of ASX.