Major shareholders: Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd.

61,944,000 11.22 % 3 255 M ¥
Nomura Asset Management Co., Ltd.
4.76 %
26,276,200 4.76 % 1 381 M ¥
Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd.
2.705 %
14,932,021 2.705 % 785 M ¥
Otsuka Holdings Employee Stock Ownership Plan
2.353 %
12,991,000 2.353 % 683 M ¥
The Awa Bank Ltd.
1.987 %
10,970,000 1.987 % 576 M ¥
Medipal Holdings Corp.
1.114 %
6,148,000 1.114 % 323 M ¥
Resona Holdings, Inc.
1.009 %
5,568,520 1.009 % 293 M ¥
Suzuken Co., Ltd.
0.5964 %
3,292,000 0.5964 % 173 M ¥
Alfresa Holdings Corp.
0.5927 %
3,272,000 0.5927 % 172 M ¥
Toho Holdings Co., Ltd.
0.5435 %
3,000,000 0.5435 % 158 M ¥
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Aristotle Capital Management LLC
0.3123 %
3,447,697 0.3123 % 91 M ¥
Mercer Global Investments Europe Ltd.
0.004532 %
50,040 0.004532 % 1 M ¥
Hantz Financial Services, Inc.
0.004277 %
47,218 0.004277 % 1 M ¥
RhumbLine Advisers LP
0.001875 %
20,699 0.001875 % 543 783 ¥
GAMMA Investing LLC
0.000704 %
7,770 0.000704 % 204 126 ¥
PNC Investments LLC
0.000012 %
131 0.000012 % 3 442 ¥
Thurston, Springer, Miller, Herd & Titak, Inc.
0.000004 %
42 0.000004 % 1 103 ¥
First Horizon Advisors, Inc.
0.000002 %
20 0.000002 % 525 ¥

Breakdown by shareholder type

Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd.2.7%
The Awa Bank Ltd.1.99%
Medipal Holdings Corp.1.11%
Resona Holdings, Inc.1.01%
Suzuken Co., Ltd.0.6%
Alfresa Holdings Corp.0.59%
Toho Holdings Co., Ltd.0.54%
Vital KSK Holdings, Inc.0.54%
TBS Holdings, Inc.0.24%
Toyo Seikan Group Holdings Ltd.0.18%
Ohki Health Care Holdings, Inc.0.15%
MatsukiyoCocokara & Co.0.09%
Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.0.08%
Sompo Holdings, Inc.0.07%
Nomura Holdings, Inc.0.05%
Shochiku Co., Ltd.0.04%
Kurita Water Industries Ltd.0.04%
Bridgestone Corp.0.04%
HOKUYAKU TAKEYAMA Holdings, Inc.0.03%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Japan 17.61%
Individuals 11.22%
United States 0.32%
Ireland 0.17%
United Kingdom 0.15%
Norway 0.13%
Sweden 0.11%
Spain 0.07%
Denmark 0.06%
Switzerland 0.03%
Austria 0.03%
Finland 0.02%
Netherlands 0.02%
France 0.02%
Germany 0.02%
Italy 0.01%
Mexico 0.01%
Canada 0.01%
Luxembourg 0.01%
Australia 0.01%
Belgium 0.01%
Singapore 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Otsuka Holdings Co., Ltd.
Otsuka Holdings Co, Ltd. is a holding company organised around 4 areas of activity: - manufacture and sale of pharmaceutical products (65.2% of sales): prescription drugs and intravenous solutions mainly for the treatment of central nervous system disorders, cancer, cardiovascular, gastrointestinal and ophthalmic diseases. In addition, the group sells diagnostic products and medical devices; - manufacture and sale of nutraceutical products (25.1%): functional foods and beverages, OTC products, nutritional supplements; - production of mineral waters, beverages and foods (2.1%); - other (7.5%): manufacture of functional chemicals and fine chemicals, provision of logistics services, manufacture of electronic products, etc. Net sales by source of income are divided between sales of products (93.8%), sales of licences and royalties (1.8%) and other (4.4%). Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: Japan (43.2%), North America (34%),
More about the company