Payfare Inc. announced an enhancement to its digital banking solution with the addition of early direct deposit. Payfare, who partners with some of gig platforms, already offers U.S. based users instant access to their earnings via their Payfare powered debit card. Users who add their Payfare bank account as a payout option for other gig platforms will now have access to those earnings up to two days faster at no additional cost.

Payfare's goal is to provide gig workers access to their money as fast and as cheap as possible to support their financial wellbeing. The addition of early direct deposit provides users with greater flexibility in how they get paid to reduce or eliminate the need for predatory lending products. The addition of early direct deposit which is expected to be launched in the coming weeks will result in a diversified stream of other user earnings being loaded into the Payfare ecosystem, which is directly correlated to revenue generation.

The additional visibility of user earning streams will also provide great value to be unlocked with Payfare's upcoming product launches.