Peab has been commissioned to rebuild four ferry berths in northern Nordland. The customer is Statens vegvesen and the contract is worth NOK 301 million. Peab will rebuild the ferry berths at Drag, Bognes and Skarberget as well as build a new ferry dock in Kjøpsvik. Four new charging stations will be installed with the accompanying technology infrastructure so that even electric ferries can dock there. The project includes a bridge at Drag and building service buildings at all of the ferry berths as well as preparing power lines for the coming shipping operations. Underwater blasting is planned at Skarberget in order to create a deeper and broader entrance way. Rebuilding the ferry berths contributes to enabling zero or low emission ferries on the stretches E6 Bognes-Skarberget and Highway 827 Drag-Kjøpsvik. The project is a traditional contract. Construction will start in August 2021 and the project is expected to be completed in November 2022. The project will be order registered in the third quarter of 2021.