Executive Committee: Phillips 66

Positions heldSince
Mark Lashier

Mark Lashier

63 year

Chief Executive Officer 2022-06-30
President 2021-03-31
Ann Kluppel

Ann Kluppel

57 year

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2024-05-12
Tandra Perkins

Tandra Perkins

54 year

Chief Administrative Officer -
Vanessa Allen Sutherland

Vanessa Allen Sutherland

53 year

General Counsel 2021-12-31
Corporate Secretary 2021-12-31
Heather Crowder

Heather Crowder

55 year

Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2017-12-31
Brian Mandell

Brian Mandell

61 year

Sales & Marketing 2015-02-28
Jeff Dietert

Jeff Dietert

Investor Relations Contact 2017-04-02
Kevin Mitchell

Kevin Mitchell

58 year

Director of Finance/CFO 2014-08-31

Composition of the Board of Directors: Phillips 66

Mark Lashier

Mark Lashier

63 year

Executive Committee 2024-05-14
Marna Whittington

Marna Whittington

77 year

Executive Committee 2012-05-08
Governance Committee 2012-05-08
Nominating Committee 2012-05-08
Compensation Committee Chair 2012-05-08
HR Committee Chair 2012-05-08
Audit Committee 2012-07-02
Compensation Committee 2022-03-16
Audit Committee Chair 2022-03-16
Glenn Tilton

Glenn Tilton

76 year

Executive Committee 2012-04-29
Compensation Committee 2012-12-31
HR Committee 2012-05-03
Governance Committee Chair 2012-04-29
Nominating Committee Chair 2012-04-29
Audit Committee
Governance Committee 2012-12-31
Nominating Committee 2012-12-31
Denise Ramos

Denise Ramos

68 year

Audit Committee 2017-12-31
Finance Committee 2016-10-05
Executive Committee 2016-10-05
Governance Committee
Nominating Committee 2016-10-05
Compensation Committee 2019-07-24
HR Committee 2019-07-24
Lisa Davis

Lisa Davis

61 year

Compensation Committee 2020-10-07
Governance Committee 2020-03-03
Nominating Committee 2020-03-03
Executive Committee 2020-03-03
Compensation Committee Chair 2020-03-03
HR Committee 2020-10-07
Audit Committee 2021-12-17
John Lowe

John Lowe

66 year

Executive Committee 2012-04-30
Governance Committee 2023-12-31
Nominating Committee 2012-04-30
Audit Committee Chair 2020-07-31
Finance Committee Chair 2020-07-31
HR Committee 2023-12-31
Governance Committee Chair
Charles Holley

Charles Holley

68 year

Executive Committee 2017-02-02
Governance Committee
Nominating Committee 2017-02-02
Audit Committee Chair 2020-03-31
Audit Committee 2019-10-03
Finance Committee 2019-10-03
Julie Bushman

Julie Bushman

64 year

Audit Committee 2020-07-30
Compensation Committee 2015-12-31
HR Committee 2015-12-31
Finance Committee 2020-07-07
Compensation Committee Chair
Gregory Hayes

Gregory Hayes

64 year

Finance Committee 2021-05-31
Compensation Committee 2022-07-11
HR Committee 2022-07-11
Governance Committee 2022-07-11
Nominating Committee 2022-07-11
Denise Singleton

Denise Singleton

62 year

Audit Committee 2021-07-13
Governance Committee 2019-07-22
Nominating Committee 2019-07-22
Finance Committee 2021-07-13
Robert Pease

Robert Pease

66 year

Audit Committee 2024-02-12
Finance Committee 2024-02-12
Governance Committee 2024-02-12
Nominating Committee 2024-02-12
Grace Whiteford

Grace Whiteford

62 year

HR Committee 2021-06-01
Audit Committee 2022-08-09
Finance Committee 2022-08-09
Doug Terreson

Doug Terreson

63 year

Compensation Committee 2021-07-13
HR Committee 2021-07-13
Gary Adams

Gary Adams

74 year

Compensation Committee 2016-10-05
HR Committee 2016-10-05

Former Officers and Directors: Phillips 66

Positions held
Tim Roberts
Tim Roberts
Chief Operating Officer - -
Corporate Officer/Principal 2017-12-31 -
Sales & Marketing 2016-12-31 2017-12-31
Greg Garland
Greg Garland
Chief Executive Officer 2012-04-15 2022-06-30
Chairman 2012-04-15 2024-05-14
President 2012-04-15 2014-05-31
Scott Pruitt
Scott Pruitt
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2021-08-03 2024-05-12
Pamela McGinnis
Pamela McGinnis
Corporate Officer/Principal 2011-12-31 2016-10-31
Sales & Marketing 2016-10-31 2022-08-30
Robert Herman
Robert Herman
Corporate Officer/Principal 2012-04-30 2022-05-31
Rosy Zuklic
Rosy Zuklic
Investor Relations Contact - 2018-12-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 2018-12-31 2022-01-01
Paula Johnson
Paula Johnson
General Counsel 2012-04-30 2021-12-30
Corporate Secretary 2012-04-30 2021-12-30
Maria Hooper
Maria Hooper
Corporate Officer/Principal 2018-07-31 2021-11-30
Emeka Oyolu
Emeka Oyolu
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2014-11-30 2021-08-03
Corporate Officer/Principal 2012-04-30 2014-11-30
Victoria J. Tschinkel
Victoria J. Tschinkel
Director/Board Member 2012-04-30 2021-03-30
Independent Dir/Board Member 2012-04-30 2021-03-30
Harold McGraw
Harold McGraw
Director/Board Member 2012-04-29 2021-03-30
Independent Dir/Board Member 2012-04-29 2021-03-30
John Zuklic
John Zuklic
Compliance Officer 2014-01-31 2015-03-31
Corporate Officer/Principal 2012-02-29 2014-01-31
Treasurer 2015-03-31 2020-10-31
James Brian Ferguson
James Brian Ferguson
Director/Board Member 2012-04-30 2020-07-31
Independent Dir/Board Member 2012-04-30 2020-07-31
William R. Loomis
William R. Loomis
Director/Board Member 2012-04-30 2018-05-08
Independent Dir/Board Member 2012-04-30 2018-05-08
Chris Chandler
Chris Chandler
Corporate Officer/Principal 2014-01-31 2018-03-31
Lawrence Ziemba
Lawrence Ziemba
Corporate Officer/Principal 2012-04-30 2017-12-30
Craig Clayton Reasor
Craig Clayton Reasor
Investor Relations Contact 2012-04-30 2017-01-31
Public Communications Contact 2012-04-29 2017-01-31
General Counsel 2012-04-29 2017-01-31
Ron Charles
Ron Charles
Human Resources Officer 2013-12-31 2016-12-31
Jay D. Churchill
Jay D. Churchill
Corporate Officer/Principal 2016-08-31 -
Greg Maxwell
Greg Maxwell
Director/Board Member 2012-04-30 2012-05-03
Director of Finance/CFO 2012-04-30 2015-12-30
Andrew E. Viens
Andrew E. Viens
Sales & Marketing 2012-04-30 2015-04-14
Dean Acosta
Dean Acosta
Public Communications Contact 2012-04-30 2014-12-31
Charles Johnson
Charles Johnson
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 2012-04-30 2014-12-30
Chantal D. Veevaete
Chantal D. Veevaete
Human Resources Officer 2012-04-30 2014-11-30
Karen C. Tripp
Karen C. Tripp
Public Communications Contact 2013-07-10 -
Phillip D. Brady
Phillip D. Brady
General Counsel 2012-07-31 -
Brian R. Wenzel
Brian R. Wenzel
Treasurer 2012-04-30 -
Timothy Taylor
Timothy Taylor
Corporate Officer/Principal 2012-04-30 2012-05-08
President 2014-05-31 -
Sales & Marketing 2012-05-08 2014-05-31
Ann M. Oglesby
Ann M. Oglesby
Public Communications Contact 2012-04-30 -
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2022-03-31
Merl R. Lindstrom
Merl R. Lindstrom
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 2012-04-30 -
J. Tom Liberti
J. Tom Liberti
Corporate Officer/Principal 2012-03-31 -
Pamela Whitney
Pamela Whitney
Corporate Officer/Principal 1999-12-31 -
Henry M. Kuchta
Henry M. Kuchta
Corporate Officer/Principal 2002-04-01 2002-04-01
Robert A. Ridge
Robert A. Ridge
Corporate Officer/Principal 2009-09-27 -
Eugene Batchelder
Eugene Batchelder
Sales & Marketing 1980-12-31 -
R. Kent Farmer
R. Kent Farmer
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
C. Denton
C. Denton
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Kevin J. Mackay
Kevin J. Mackay
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Tandra Jackson
Tandra Jackson
Chief Administrative Officer - -
Dick Cote
Dick Cote
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
William F. Young
William F. Young
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
G. Richard Talley
G. Richard Talley
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Donald Evert Wallette
Donald Evert Wallette
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Jack Hooven
Jack Hooven
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Dennis Nuss
Dennis Nuss
Public Communications Contact - -
Robert A. Milam
Robert A. Milam
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Rich Johnson
Rich Johnson
Public Communications Contact - -
David Tippeconnic
David Tippeconnic
President - -
Janet D. Grothe
Janet D. Grothe
Public Communications Contact - -
Alissa K. Hicks
Alissa K. Hicks
Public Communications Contact - -
Michael D. Gayda
Michael D. Gayda
General Counsel - -
John Hornyak
John Hornyak
Corporate Officer/Principal - -
Romelia Hinojosa
Romelia Hinojosa
Public Communications Contact - -
Sales & Marketing - -

Age distribution of managers

Parity Men Women

Male 15
Female 11

Of which Executive Committee

Male 4
Female 4

Of which Directors

Male 9
Female 5


1 year Revenue revision
4 months Revenue revision
1 months Revenue revision
1 year EPS revision
4 months EPS revision


ESG: Ethical controversies
ESG: Human rights controversies
ESG: Tax subsidies controversies
Sharia compliant
Logo Phillips 66
Phillips 66 is an oil group organized into 4 divisions: - trading and distribution of petroleum products (64.7% of net sales): operation, at the end of 2023, of a network of more than 8,530 service stations located in the United States (7,260; Phillips 66, Conoco and 76 brands) and Europe (1,270). The group also develops manufacturing and sale of specialized products, and electricity production activities; - refining (24.5%): operation of 12 refineries located in the United States (10) and Europe (2); - processing, transportation and storage of petroleum products and natural gas (10.7%); - other (0.1%): primarily manufacturing of petrochemical and plastic products. Net sales break down by activity as follows: the United States (80.6%), the United Kingdom (9.9%), Germany (3.8%) and other (5.7%).
More about the company

Departures of Key Persons

Greg Garland
Greg Garland

Chief Executive Officer

2012-04-15 2022-06-30