Pointerra Limited provided an update on recent commercial, technical and corporate activities following the Company's first 12 months of operation. Technical & Commercial Milestones Pointerra reported on the achievement of a significant commercial milestone, being the release of a commercially saleable solution containing at least 100 billion points of 3D data, providing confirmation that the Company's world-first technology has successfully passed the Class A Performance Share milestone hurdle. Through a combination of Pointerra's proprietary storage and visualisation technology and the massively scalable AWS cloud computing environment, the achievement of this milestone has allowed the Company to begin scaling its Data as a Service ("DaaS") offering to trial and paying customers, as well as attracting technology licensing opportunities with geospatial sector players such as the recently announced MOU with AAM Group. The integration development work required to bring Pointerra's technology to AAM's customers has commenced with both parties expecting to reach Minimum Viable Product (MVP) status by the end of July to allow AAM's sales team to sell the Pointerra- enhanced solution to their Australasian and regional customer base. This achievement of this milestone has also allowed the Company to make available for sale data from its open-data marketplace to registered customers. Pointerra is initially targeting the market for USGS open-data LiDAR datasets through both direct means and via partners at Blue Marble Geographics via their widely used GlobalMapper solution. Pointerra expects to extend this capability into other countries with similar open-data initiatives, including the UK, NZ and Australia. The growth in data being ingested and hosted in Pointerra's cloud-based AWS environment (and the associated cost implications) has focused the development team on further AWS optimisation strategies, including the use of spot-instance compute resources where practical. Spot priced resources are available at a fraction of the cost of more commonly used reserved compute resources and provide important operating margin enhancement and retention outcomes going forward. Because of these initiatives, every day, all over the world, trial users, paying customers, enterprise partners (and their customers) and technology licensing partners are now able to rely on Pointerra's world-first technology to deliver actionable 3D information to support a diverse range of digital asset management solutions.