Milan, November 05 th 2013 - Poltrona Frau S.p.A.: calendar of corporate events for the year 2014: Pursuant to article 2.6.2 of the Borsa Italiana S.p.A.'s regulations, Poltrona Frau S.p.A. announces its calendar of corporate events for the year 2014
• 13 March - Board of Directors Meeting to approve the proposed statutory financial statements and the consolidated financial statements as of 31 December 2013;
• 14 May - Board of Directors Meeting to approve the first-quarter 2014 report;
• 06 August - Board of Directors Meeting to approve the first-half 2014 report;
• 12 November - Board of Directors Meeting to approve the third quarter 2014 report.
The General Shareholders Meeting called to deliberate the approval of the 2013 statutory financial statements of Poltrona Frau S.p.A., the resolution in relation to the possible treasury shares purchase, as well as to possible dividends payment, will be held on the 16 th and 17 th of April 2014, respectively in first and second call.
Any possible change to the above dates will be promptly communicated to the market.
Poltrona Frau Group
Investor Relations
and Media Relations
Francesca Cocco
+39 0362 372 379
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