Mr. Yip Wai Ming ("Mr. Yip") resigned as the independent non-executive Director of Poly Culture Group Corporation Limited, the chairman of the remuneration and assessment committee of the Board and the member of the
audit committee of the Board due to personal work arrangement, with effect from 21 June 2022. Mr. Yip has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board in any aspects and there is no matter relating to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of the Stock Exchange and the Shareholders. The above ordinary resolution No. 1 has been duly passed by the Shareholders at the Meeting. Pursuant to the Articles of Association, Mr. Fung Edwin ("Mr. Fung") has been appointed as the independent non-executive Director of the fourth session of the Board. His appointment will be effective from the date of approval at the Shareholders' general meeting to the date of expiry of the term of office of the fourth session of the Board. The Board announces that the Board agreed to appoint Mr. Fung as the chairman of the remuneration and assessment committee of the Board and the member of the audit committee of the Board at the Board meeting immediately following the Meeting, with a term of office commencing from 21 June 2022 until the expiry of the term of office of the fourth session of the Board.