The Board of Directors of Postal Savings Bank of China Co., Ltd. held a meeting on January 2, 2025 and considered and approved the proposal on the nomination of Mr. Zheng Guoyu as the candidate of Non-executive Director of the Bank. The proposal on the election of Mr. Zheng Guoyu as Non-executive Director of the Bank will be submitted to the shareholders' general meeting of the Bank for consideration. The qualification of Mr. Zheng Guoyu as Director is subject to the approval of the National Financial Regulatory Administration and his term of office as Director will be three years commencing from the date of approval of his qualification by the National Financial Regulatory Administration.
On the same date, the Board also considered and approved the proposal on the election of Mr. Zheng Guoyu as Chairman of the Board of the Bank. The qualification of Mr. Zheng Guoyu as Chairman of the Board is subject to the approval of the National Financial Regulatory Administration and his term of office will be three years commencing from the date of approval of his qualification by the National Financial Regulatory Administration. According to the Articles of Association of the Bank, Mr. Zheng Guoyu will also act as the legal representative of the Bank and the Chairman and a member of the Strategic Planning Committee of the Board after his qualification is approved by the National Financial Regulatory Administration.
From the day when Mr. Zheng Guoyu takes office, Mr. Liu Jianjun will cease to act on behalf of the Chairman of the Board and the Chairman of the Strategic Planning Committee of the Board of the Bank, and will cease to act on behalf of the legal representative of the Bank. The profile of Mr. Zheng Guoyu is set out as follows: Zheng Guoyu, male, Chinese nationality, born in 1967, obtained a Master's degree in Business Administration from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and holds the title of Senior Economist. He was Assistant General Manager and Deputy General Manager of Hubei Branch, General Manager of Shanxi Branch, General Manager of Sichuan Branch of Bank of China, a member of the Executive Committee and Executive Vice President of Bank of China, and Executive Director and Senior Executive Vice President of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, etc.
He currently serves as Director, President and Chief Compliance Officer of China Post Group Corporation Limited.